In the Middle of the Night by Kenny Marks Lyrics
Looking for the English lyrics to “In the Middle of the Night” by Kenny Marks from the album Follow Him (1982)? More than 130 people have already found the lyrics of the song for karaoke, the notes of the melody to the song, the official video and clip of the song “In the Middle of the Night”.
Quote from the song “In the Middle of the Night” by Kenny Marks
In the middle of the night
I was on my knees
I called on Jesus
To hear my plea
I got do excited
Never gonna try to hide it
I thank God everyday
For the middle of the night
Can you finish lyrics of the song “In the Middle of the Night” based on this quote?
If you can't then the lyrics will be below ...
Credits, Cast & Crew of Song “In the Middle of the Night”
- Produced: Keith Thomas
- Written: Tony Brown, Paul Overstreet
- Release Date:
Additional Information About the Sample “In the Middle of the Night”:
- Produced: Keith Thomas rn
- Written: Tony Brown, Paul Overstreet
Perfect Lyrics of the Song “In the Middle of the Night” Released in 1982
[Favorite Song Lyrics: song “In the Middle of the Night” with perfect lyrics for karaoke]
In the middle of the night
I was on my knees
I called on Jesus
To hear my plea
I got do excited
Never gonna try to hide it
I thank God everyday
For the middle of the night
In the middle of the night
In my darkest hour
I called on Jesus
I felt His power
I got so excited
I didn't even try to fight it
Jesus saved my soul
In the middle of the night
In the middle of the night
In the middle of the night
He put His hand on me
In thе middle of the night
I got so excitеd
Never gonna try to hide it
I thank God everyday
For the middle of the night
In the middle of the night
In the middle of the night
He put His hand on me
In the middle of the night
I got so excited
Gotta tell the world about
How Jesus saved my soul
In the middle of the night
How Jesus saved my soul
In the middle of the night
In the middle of the night
Yes, He saved my soul
In the middle of the night
In the middle of the night
He reached way down
Deep down, deep down
And saved my soul...