Prekes by JerwGw Lyrics
Looking for the Greek lyrics to “Prekes” by JerwGw from the album ¿ΞέρωΓω? (Act: 1) (2017)? More than 115 people have already found the lyrics of the song for karaoke, the notes of the melody to the song, the official video and clip of the song “Prekes”.
Quote from the song “Prekes” by JerwGw
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Can you finish lyrics of the song “Prekes” based on this quote?
If you can't then the lyrics will be below ...
Credits, Cast & Crew of Song “Prekes”
- Produced: Pappous Tou Manou
- Written: Dimhtrhs Argyros
- Mastered: JerwGw
- Mixed: JerwGw
- Recorded At: Mongolia
- Release Date: June 22, 2017
Additional Information About the Sample “Prekes”:
- Prekes Is A Remix Of: Sauce by Ypo (Ft. FY) rn
- Prekes Remixes: ΠΡΈΚΕΣ! by JerwGw
Perfect Lyrics of the Song “Prekes” Released in 2017
[Favorite Song Lyrics: song “Prekes” with perfect lyrics for karaoke]
Πράσινα τα κάνω Πρέκες (πρέκες!)
Μέσα στο τάπερ Γιαννάκηδες Wick!
Μέσα στο κλάμπ με τον Πάυλο (Skrr!)
Οι τσέπες χοντρές σαν τον Κλήμη (fat!)
Μες'το τάπερ Πρέκες (πρέκες)
Μες'το τάπερ Πρέκες (πρέκες)
Μες'το τάπερ Πρέκες (brrr!)
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