Ma Rewa by Indian Ocean Lyrics
Looking for the Sesotho lyrics to “Ma Rewa” by Indian Ocean from the album Kandisa (2000)? More than 204 people have already found the lyrics of the song for karaoke, the notes of the melody to the song, the official video and clip of the song “Ma Rewa”.
Quote from the song “Ma Rewa” by Indian Ocean
Ma rewa tharo paani nirmal....
Ma rewa tharo paani nirmal ...............khal khal behto jaaye re
Paani nirmal --2
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Perfect Lyrics of the Song “Ma Rewa” Released in 2000
[Favorite Song Lyrics: song “Ma Rewa” with perfect lyrics for karaoke]
Ma rewa tharo paani nirmal....
Ma rewa tharo paani nirmal ...............khal khal behto jaaye re
Paani nirmal --2
Amarkanth se nikli O rewa
Jann jann kari rayo thaari sewa
Sewa se sab pawe mewa
Aso ved puran batayo re