Shift by Iman Europe Lyrics

Looking for the English lyrics to “Shift” by Iman Europe from the album Nami (2018)? More than 77 people have already found the lyrics of the song for karaoke, the notes of the melody to the song, the official video and clip of the song “Shift”.

Shift en Lyrics [Iman Europe]
Shift English Lyrics Album Nami

Quote from the song “Shift” by Iman Europe

Verse 1:
Baby we made it
Look what we created
It took a while now
But I let my guard down
And you had the patience
But now we under the dark clouds
We going through changes
Something is different ‘bout you
You tell me not to doubt you
But I feel a...

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Shift lyrics [Iman Europe]

Iman Europe: Shift Lyrics

Credits, Cast & Crew of Song “Shift”

  • Produced: Merlaku
  • Written: Iman Europe
  • Release Date: September 25, 2018

Shift lyrics credits, cast, crew of song

Credits, Cast and Crew of Samples: Shift lyrics

Perfect Lyrics of the Song “Shift” Released in 2018

[Favorite Song Lyrics: song “Shift” with perfect lyrics for karaoke]

Verse 1:
Baby we made it
Look what we created
It took a while now
But I let my guard down
And you had the patience
But now we under the dark clouds
We going through changes
Something is different ‘bout you
You tell me not to doubt you
But I feel a...

From your energy
Are you not the man the you pretend to be?
Oh I feel a... shift
From the better days
Baby where you going?
Don't you go away
Oh I feel a... shift
Oh oh oh oh oh x3

Verse 2:
Boy I love you like
The way I know you need to be loved
Boy i trust you like
I never had a problem with trust
Why you reaching for my hand
If you ain't ready to lead?
Why you begging me to stay
If it's unhealthy for me?
I pack up, you throw a fit every time I go
Baby tell me, is it love or is it mind control?
I hear you say you love me too
But I feel a..
From your energy
Are you not the man that you pretend to be?
Oh I feel a... shift
From the better days
Baby where you going?
Don't you go away
Oh I feel a... shift
Oh oh oh oh oh x3

This could be, this could be
This could be something
It could be, it could be something
If you let it... be
Why are you hiding from me? woah
This could be, this could be
This could be something
We could be, it could be something
If you let it... be
What are you hiding from me? woah

I feel a.. shift. (x3)
Oh oh oh oh oh (x3)