Hip Hop News: I Found Out My Music Manager Was Stealing From Me (2025)
Rizzo and Ratsoe answer a viewers question about a scammy music manager. If you ever… Check this: I Found Out My Music Manager Was Stealing From Me -Rizzo and Ratsoe answer a viewers question about a scammy music manager. If you ever… Check this: I Found Out My Music Manager Was Stealing From Me -
Rizzo and Ratsoe answer a viewers question about a scammy music manager.
If you ever find yourself in a similar situation do the following. 1. Gather your evidence: Start by collecting any evidence that you have of the manager’s theft, such as copies of fraudulent documents or emails, bank statements, and any other relevant information.
2. Contact the authorities: Report the crime to the police and file a report. You should also contact the IRS and let them know what has happened.
3. Notify your employer: Inform your employer about the theft as soon as possible. They may be able to help you recover any stolen funds and may be able to provide support and resources to help you through this difficult time.
4. Protect your finances: Close any accounts or credit cards that you shared with your manager and change your passwords for all of your accounts to protect yourself from further financial harm. Monitor your credit report to ensure that your manager hasn’t taken out any fraudulent loans or credit cards in your name.
5. Seek legal help: Consider seeking the advice of an attorney who can help you understand your rights and options, and advise you on the best course of action.
6. Warn others who you think may potentially fall victim the the manager’s crime.
Remember to act swiftly and decisively to protect yourself and your finances, and don’t be afraid to seek help and advice from trusted professionals. This music business can get pretty slimy so do what you can to protect yourself from industry snakes. Stay out the trap!
Check this: I Found Out My Music Manager Was Stealing From Me -