Looking for the English lyrics to “CONFIDENCE HAT” by HUNJIYA from the album KHAMAI (2022)? More than 32 people have already found the lyrics of the song for karaoke, the notes of the melody to the song, the official video and clip of the song “CONFIDENCE HAT”.


Quote from the song “CONFIDENCE HAT” by HUNJIYA

Even if there’s one person who believes in my truth, you tell yourself “I’m okay.”
That’s the confidence you should live by
If you try to please everybody, you won’t live comfortably because it’s exhausting
Also whatever you want to say when you think, “I should talk about this here” Just say it proudly! Why can’t you?
If you have an opinion about music– “Ah I want this!” Tell them what you want proudly
You have to have confidence in yourself. Have your confidence!
When you keep on losing it, it means you’re thinking too much about what other pеople think
So don’t think too much about that. Take in the confidеnce that’s true to yourself. The qualities you already have– keep them and adjust accordingly
It’s not like you need to change yourself
There’s no need to water down who you are

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Official Music Video Song “CONFIDENCE HAT”

HUNJIYA - “CONFIDENCE HAT” (Official Video Clip)

This video clip of HUNJIYA will answer the following questions:

  • What song samples CONFIDENCE HAT?
  • Where is CONFIDENCE HAT music video clip?
  • Who was in the CONFIDENCE HAT official music video?
  • Who sang the popular song CONFIDENCE HAT?
  • What is the meaning of the song CONFIDENCE HAT?

Credits, Cast & Crew of Song “CONFIDENCE HAT”

  • Featuring: Yun Kyung Lee
  • Produced: HUNJIYA
  • Written: HUNJIYA
  • Mastering Engineer: Will Quinnell
  • Mixing Engineer: James Fouren
  • Arranger: Alice Kim
  • Composer: Yun Kyung Lee, Alice Kim
  • Lyricist: Yun Kyung Lee, Alice Kim
  • Release Date: July 13, 2022

CONFIDENCE HAT lyrics credits, cast, crew of song

Credits, Cast and Crew of Samples: CONFIDENCE HAT lyrics

Perfect Lyrics of the Song “CONFIDENCE HAT” Released in 2022

[Favorite Song Lyrics: song “CONFIDENCE HAT” with perfect lyrics for karaoke]


Even if there’s one person who believes in my truth, you tell yourself “I’m okay.”
That’s the confidence you should live by
If you try to please everybody, you won’t live comfortably because it’s exhausting
Also whatever you want to say when you think, “I should talk about this here” Just say it proudly! Why can’t you?
If you have an opinion about music– “Ah I want this!” Tell them what you want proudly
You have to have confidence in yourself. Have your confidence!
When you keep on losing it, it means you’re thinking too much about what other pеople think
So don’t think too much about that. Take in the confidеnce that’s true to yourself. The qualities you already have– keep them and adjust accordingly
It’s not like you need to change yourself
There’s no need to water down who you are


한두 명만이라도 나의 진심을 알아주면 “난 오케이”
난 이렇게 니가 자신감 있게 살아야 돼. 모두를 다 맞추려고 하면은 못 살아 피곤해서
그리고 니가 어? 하고 싶은 얘기, 이 얘기는 내가 이 자리에서 해야 되겠다 하는 얘기는 당당하게 해 왜왜 못해 그거는. 내가 음악적으로 opinion이 있으면, 아! 나는 이거를 원한다 당당하게 얘기하란 말이야. 그니까 너 자신이 너에 대해서 자신감을 가져야 돼. Have your confidence. 자꾸 떨어트리려고 한다는 거는 니가 다른 사람을 너무 많이 신경을 쓰는 거야 신경 쓰지 말고
너 자신만의 너의 그 자신감을 가지고서 어?
너가 갖고 있는 거는 그거는 계속 keep 하는 거고, 너는 지금 너 자신을 거기다 adjust 하는 거지
너 자신을 니가 바꾸는 건 아니잖아
널 너무 죽일 필요가 없다니까

CONFIDENCE HAT performed by HUNJIYA alternate

CONFIDENCE HAT Performed by HUNJIYA Alternate

FAQ & Knowledge Song “CONFIDENCE HAT”

  • ℚ. What has HUNJIYA said about the song?

    She told Pop Genius:

    The phone recording is actually a conversation between me and my mom when I was living alone in Korea. I was recording her because we were having some other conversation about something funny, but we ended up having an honest heart-to-heart where I opened up about being lonely and depressed. I was about 7 months into living there and was struggling with my physical and mental confidence in myself. She gave me a whole speech telling me that I need to believe in myself even if no one else will. I feel like it’s rare to have those vulnerable moments and have them be recorded at the same time so I’m really happy I caught it. Later on, my mom knitted me a yellow hat and called it the ‘confidence hat.’ She told me that whenever I put it on, it would give me confidence.