Banjo Song #1 by Hillstomp Lyrics
Looking for the English lyrics to “Banjo Song #1” by Hillstomp from the album Darker the Night (2010)? More than 178 people have already found the lyrics of the song for karaoke, the notes of the melody to the song, the official video and clip of the song “Banjo Song #1”.
Quote from the song “Banjo Song #1” by Hillstomp
Mystic river's in my blood
And in my blood, there is dust
That dust of who I used to be
'Fore the river swallowed me
'Fore the river, it
You know some day I will die
Years before that water dries
When it does, you know I'll wake up
I'm gonna smile and drink another cup
Smile and drink up
Live it up, boy, drink 'em down
I don't believe love's comin' 'round
We had it all and it weren't enough
Now it's time for darker stuff
Now it's time for
Alcohol has made me grey
And my girl gone away
My eyes are blurred, my gut is rot
I can quit, but I'll never stop
I can quit but I'll
I don't dance, you know I don't cry
You know I nary bat an eye
I don't sit and worry all the time
As the years roll on by
As the years they
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Perfect Lyrics of the Song “Banjo Song #1” Released in 2010
[Favorite Song Lyrics: song “Banjo Song #1” with perfect lyrics for karaoke]
Mystic river's in my blood
And in my blood, there is dust
That dust of who I used to be
'Fore the river swallowed me
'Fore the river, it
You know some day I will die
Years before that water dries
When it does, you know I'll wake up
I'm gonna smile and drink another cup
Smile and drink up
Live it up, boy, drink 'em down
I don't believe love's comin' 'round
We had it all and it weren't enough
Now it's time for darker stuff
Now it's time for
Alcohol has made me grey
And my girl gone away
My eyes are blurred, my gut is rot
I can quit, but I'll never stop
I can quit but I'll
I don't dance, you know I don't cry
You know I nary bat an eye
I don't sit and worry all the time
As the years roll on by
As the years they