Storm by Higher Brothers & Harikiri Lyrics
Looking for the Chinese lyrics to “Storm” by Higher Brothers & Harikiri from the album Type-3 - EP (2018)? More than 139 people have already found the lyrics of the song for karaoke, the notes of the melody to the song, the official video and clip of the song “Storm”.
Quote from the song “Storm” by Higher Brothers & Harikiri
Simplified Chinese
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Official Music Video Song “Storm”
Higher Brothers & Harikiri - “Storm” (Official Video Clip)
This video clip of Higher Brothers & Harikiri will answer the following questions:
- What song samples Storm?
- Where is Storm music video clip?
- Who was in the Storm official music video?
- Who sang the popular song Storm?
- What is the meaning of the song Storm?
Credits, Cast & Crew of Song “Storm”
- Produced: HARIKIRI
- Written: HARIKIRI, KnowKnow, Psy.P, Melo (CHN), MaSiWei
- Release Date: February 27, 2018
Perfect Lyrics of the Song “Storm” Released in 2018
[Favorite Song Lyrics: song “Storm” with perfect lyrics for karaoke]
[Translations: English]
Simplified Chinese
[Hook: MaSiWei]
I ain't 50, I don't have 21 questions
加州的天气 是否像你的笑容般甜蜜
我带上面具 假装你不在我一样开心
暴风雨来临 电闪又雷鸣 争强好胜的我可惜这一局没赢
暴风雨来临 电闪又雷鸣 对你的爱就像雨下了一夜未停
[Verse: MaSiWei]
You're so sweet 不同颜色的糖 不同水果味
You are purple, yellow, pink, blue, orange or green
I don't wanna be your friend
不能只是be your friend
当你感到困惑时 我说让月亮去作证
什么事都不做 和你躺着all day
你是天使 你是公主 是偷心的魔鬼
突然 乌云 风暴 覆盖了所有通道
我没有带伞 也没有收看天气预报
Paris, Tokyo 你定了哪张机票
暴风雨来临 电闪又雷鸣 争强好胜的我可惜这一局没赢
暴风雨来临 电闪又雷鸣 对你的爱就像雨下了一夜未停
I don't want nobody else but you
I can't have nobody else but you, girl
[Hook: MaSiWei]
I ain't 50, I don't have 21 questions
加州的天气 是否像你的笑容般甜蜜
我带上面具 假装你不在我一样开心
暴风雨来临 电闪又雷鸣 争强好胜的我可惜这一局没赢
暴风雨来临 电闪又雷鸣 对你的爱就像雨下了一夜未停
Traditional Chinese
[Hook: MaSiWei]
I ain't 50, I don't have 21 questions
加州的天氣 是否像你的笑容般甜蜜
我帶上面具 假裝你不在我一樣開心
暴風雨來臨 電閃又雷鳴 爭強好勝的我可惜這一局沒贏
暴風雨來臨 電閃又雷鳴 對你的愛就像雨下了一夜未停
[Verse: MaSiWei]
You're so sweet 不同顏色的糖 不同水果味
You are purple, yellow, pink, blue, orange or green
I don't wanna be your friend
不能只是be your friend
當你感到困惑時 我說讓月亮去作證
什麼事都不做 和你躺著all day
你是天使 你是公主 是偷心的魔鬼
突然 烏雲 風暴 覆蓋了所有通道
我沒有帶傘 也沒有收看天氣預報
Paris, Tokyo 你定了哪張機票
暴風雨來臨 電閃又雷鳴 爭強好勝的我可惜這一局沒贏
暴風雨來臨 電閃又雷鳴 對你的愛就像雨下了一夜未停
I don't want nobody else but you
I can't have nobody else but you, girl
[Hook: MaSiWei]
I ain't 50, I don't have 21 questions
加州的天氣 是否像你的笑容般甜蜜
我帶上面具 假裝你不在我一樣開心
暴風雨來臨 電閃又雷鳴 爭強好勝的我可惜這一局沒贏
暴風雨來臨 電閃又雷鳴 對你的愛就像雨下了一夜未停