路一直都在 by 陳奕迅 (Eason Chan) Lyrics

Looking for the Chinese lyrics to “路一直都在” by 陳奕迅 (Eason Chan) from the album 不想放手 (Don’t Wanna Let Go) (2008)? More than 92 people have already found the lyrics of the song for karaoke, the notes of the melody to the song, the official video and clip of the song “路一直都在”.

路一直都在 zh Lyrics [陳奕迅 (Eason Chan)]
路一直都在 Chinese Lyrics Album 不想放手 (Don’t Wanna Let Go)

Quote from the song “路一直都在” by 陳奕迅 (Eason Chan)

穿过人潮汹涌 灯火阑珊
一段又一段 走不完的旅程


Can you finish lyrics of the song “路一直都在” based on this quote?

If you can't then the lyrics will be below ...

路一直都在 lyrics [陳奕迅 (Eason Chan)]

陳奕迅 (Eason Chan): 路一直都在 Lyrics

Official Music Video Song “路一直都在”

陳奕迅 (Eason Chan) - “路一直都在” (Official Video Clip)

This video clip of 陳奕迅 (Eason Chan) will answer the following questions:

  • What song samples 路一直都在?
  • Where is 路一直都在 music video clip?
  • Who was in the 路一直都在 official music video?
  • Who sang the popular song 路一直都在?
  • What is the meaning of the song 路一直都在?

Credits, Cast & Crew of Song “路一直都在”

  • Produced: 李振權 (Jim Lee)
  • Written: 符致逸 (Adrian Fu), 吴向飞 (Wu Xiangfei)
  • Lyricist: 符致逸 (Adrian Fu), 吴向飞 (Wu Xiangfei)
  • Composer: 符致逸 (Adrian Fu)
  • Arranger: 周國儀 (Mac Chew)
  • Release Date: June 30, 2008

路一直都在 lyrics credits, cast, crew of song

Credits, Cast and Crew of Samples: 路一直都在 lyrics

Perfect Lyrics of the Song “路一直都在” Released in 2008

[Favorite Song Lyrics: song “路一直都在” with perfect lyrics for karaoke]

穿过人潮汹涌 灯火阑珊
一段又一段 走不完的旅程

Oh 我的梦代表什么

That's just life 寻找梦里的未来
That's just life 笑对现实的无奈
不能后退的时候 不再徬徨的时候
永远向前 路一直都在

穿过一块黎明 一片黑暗
一段又一段 走不完的旅程

Oh 我的梦代表什么

That's just life 寻找梦里的未来
That's just life 笑对现实的无奈
不能后退的时候 不再徬徨的时候
永远向前 路一直都在

That's just life 寻找梦里的未来
That's just life 笑对现实的无奈
不能后退的时候 不再徬徨的时候
永远向前 路一直都在

That's just life 徘徊到不再徘徊
That's just life 重来到不怕重来
没有选择的时候 不能选择的时候
永远向前 路一直都在