& by HARRY WAS HERE Lyrics
Looking for the English lyrics to “&” by HARRY WAS HERE from the album if you only knew (2020)? More than 75 people have already found the lyrics of the song for karaoke, the notes of the melody to the song, the official video and clip of the song “&”.
Quote from the song “&” by HARRY WAS HERE
If it — if it makes you sad today
Then I won't come your way
I could just stand outside
As you cry out all this away
If you like, I guess I could stay
But don't you know what they say? (yeah)
The sun doesn't shine sometimes
When we need some time in the rain
Can you finish lyrics of the song “&” based on this quote?
If you can't then the lyrics will be below ...
Credits, Cast & Crew of Song “&”
- Produced: HARRY WAS HERE
- Release Date: December 2, 2020
Additional Information About the Sample “&”:
- & Covers: & (Acoustic) by HARRY WAS HERE
Perfect Lyrics of the Song “&” Released in 2020
[Favorite Song Lyrics: song “&” with perfect lyrics for karaoke]
If it — if it makes you sad today
Then I won't come your way
I could just stand outside
As you cry out all this away
If you like, I guess I could stay
But don't you know what they say? (yeah)
The sun doesn't shine sometimes
When we need some time in the rain
Lie to yourself, like you don't feel nothing
You ain't got time to cry to yourself
And they coming over, lend you a shoulder
Hide to yourself (yeah)
She don't see eye to eye with herself
It's getting dark before 4:30
But you've been in bed all day, so what's еarly?
And I've never been in so much of a hurry
But don't worry
I'll stay with you as long as you need mе to
And I could just stand outside
If it —
If it — if it makes you sad today
Then I won't come your way
I could just stand outside
As you cry out all this away
If you like, I guess I could stay
But don't you know what they say? (yeah)
The sun doesn't shine sometimes
When we need some time in the rain
FAQ & Knowledge Song “&”
ℚ. Is there an official acoustic version of this song?
There is! It was published more than a month after the initial release of the EP.