Ode to a Mouse by Hardy & Massengill/The Folk Brothers Lyrics
Looking for the English lyrics to “Ode to a Mouse” by Hardy & Massengill/The Folk Brothers from the album Partners in Crime (2008)? More than 150 people have already found the lyrics of the song for karaoke, the notes of the melody to the song, the official video and clip of the song “Ode to a Mouse”.
Quote from the song “Ode to a Mouse” by Hardy & Massengill/The Folk Brothers
Mouse, mouse
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Official Music Video Song “Ode to a Mouse”
Hardy & Massengill/The Folk Brothers - “Ode to a Mouse” (Official Video Clip)
This video clip of Hardy & Massengill/The Folk Brothers will answer the following questions:
- What song samples Ode to a Mouse?
- Where is Ode to a Mouse music video clip?
- Who was in the Ode to a Mouse official music video?
- Who sang the popular song Ode to a Mouse?
- What is the meaning of the song Ode to a Mouse?
Credits, Cast & Crew of Song “Ode to a Mouse”
- Written: David Massengill
- Artist: David Massengill, Jack Hardy
- Release Date: 2008
Perfect Lyrics of the Song “Ode to a Mouse” Released in 2008
[Favorite Song Lyrics: song “Ode to a Mouse” with perfect lyrics for karaoke]
Mouse, mouse
[Verse 1]
I buried a mouse
That drowned in a commode
Though we weren't acquainted
I wrote it this ode
What we had in common
A man and a mouse
Well, for one thing we were
Both guests of the house
Mouse, mouse
[Verse 2]
My friend was away
But left his door unlocked
Though by force of habit
Politely I knocked
Then I went inside
To make use of the house
And discovered alas
A poor drowned mouse
Mouse, mouse
[Verse 3]
I picked up the mouse
By its wee tiny tale
Its wee hands and feet
Were piteously frail
That I mourn a stranger
You may find it odd
Just as others may doubt
A beneficent God
Mouse, mouse
[Verse 4]
I fashioned a cross
Out of cornstalk and twine
Right there in the garden
I built a small shrine
Though my choice of coffin
Was unorthodox
As I tucked the mouse in
A Cracker Jack box
Mouse, mouse
[Verse 5]
I hope when I die
There will be someone there
Who though they don't know me
Will tenderly care
The funeral procession
Was me and some birds
Though it may seem profane
I said a few words
I said, mouse, mouse
[Verse 1]
I buried a mouse
That drowned in a commode
Though we weren't acquainted
I wrote it this ode
What we had in common
A man and a mouse
Well, for one thing we were
Both guests of the house