Introduced Species by Hands Like Houses Lyrics

Looking for the English lyrics to “Introduced Species” by Hands Like Houses from the album Unimagine (2013)? More than 86 people have already found the lyrics of the song for karaoke, the notes of the melody to the song, the official video and clip of the song “Introduced Species”.

Introduced Species en Lyrics [Hands Like Houses]
Introduced Species English Lyrics Album Unimagine

Quote from the song “Introduced Species” by Hands Like Houses

We don't belong here

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Introduced Species lyrics [Hands Like Houses]

Hands Like Houses: Introduced Species Lyrics

Official Music Video Song “Introduced Species”

Hands Like Houses - “Introduced Species” (Official Video Clip)

This video clip of Hands Like Houses will answer the following questions:

  • What song samples Introduced Species?
  • Where is Introduced Species music video clip?
  • Who was in the Introduced Species official music video?
  • Who sang the popular song Introduced Species?
  • What is the meaning of the song Introduced Species?

Credits, Cast & Crew of Song “Introduced Species”

  • Produced: James Paul Wisner
  • Written: Matt Parkitny, Trenton Woodley, Matt Cooper (Guitarist), Alex Pearson, Joel Tyrrell, Jamal Sabet
  • Drums: Matt Parkitny
  • Vocals: Trenton Woodley
  • Guitar: Matt Cooper (Guitarist), Alex Pearson
  • Backing Vocals: Alex Pearson, Joel Tyrrell
  • Bass Guitar: Joel Tyrrell
  • Keyboards: Jamal Sabet
  • Mastering: Andy VanDette
  • Label: Rise Records
  • Release Date: June 12, 2013

Introduced Species lyrics credits, cast, crew of song

Credits, Cast and Crew of Samples: Introduced Species lyrics

Additional Information About the Sample “Introduced Species”:

  • Introduced Species (Unwinding) Remixes: Revive (Introduced Species) by Hands Like Houses

Perfect Lyrics of the Song “Introduced Species” Released in 2013

[Favorite Song Lyrics: song “Introduced Species” with perfect lyrics for karaoke]


We don't belong here

[Verse 1]

In a way, we are all connected
Threaded together
In a way, we are all suspended
Bound going nowhere


Wake up
Walk on the wires
Defeat and define
Wake up
Evolve and escape
Unravel, unmake yourself


We speak in tongues
And we walk on the wires between
(We don't belong here)
We are the sleeping sickness
The dancing dreams
(We don't belong here)
We're invaders from the inside
We're survivors in silver skin
Shapeless, we move
Unwinding the wires between
(We don't belong here)

[Verse 2]

So we'll follow, follow down
Each knotless fathom to the end
No more hollow, hollow sounds
Of echoes, echoes in our heads


Wake up
Walk on the wires
Connect and combine
Wake up
React and reshape
Untangle, unmake yourself


We speak in tongues
And we walk on the wires between
(We don't belong here)
We are the sleeping sickness
The dancing dreams
(We don't belong here)
We're invaders from the inside
We're survivors in silver skin
Shapeless, we move
Unwinding the wires between
(We don't belong here)


It's been a long, long night
And we're still learning how to survive
Will you walk with me a while
And see a world with brand new eyes?
We see the sights
And we're fighting for our lives
Will you run?
Will you run?
Will you run?


(It's no longer survival of the fittest)
(Now that everyone survives)
(But we don't want to survive)
(We want to live)


In a way, we are all connected
Threaded together
In a way, we are all suspended


We speak in tongues
And we walk on the wires between
(We don't belong here)
We are the sleeping sickness
The dancing dreams
(We don't belong here)
We're invaders from the inside
We're survivors in silver skin
Shapeless, we move
Unwinding the wires between
(We don't belong here)

Introduced Species performed by Hands Like Houses alternate

Introduced Species Performed by Hands Like Houses Alternate

FAQ & Knowledge Song “Introduced Species”

  • ℚ. What have the artists said about the song?

    This song is about breaking out of the presupposed patterns of life that are handed to our generation. I’m excited that people are beginning to think about and question our role as subjects to money, advertising, government, religion—not necessarily questioning those things themselves but their influence over our individual lives. We have a unique position as a generation where we are able to connect directly with each other, and I think we are utilizing that to discuss new ideas. I believe our generation can rapidly change the “way it is” simply by understanding the systems of manipulation and domestication that exist in our lives, and therefore being better equipped to make our own decisions for our own lives and happiness. It’s not about “rising up”—instead it’s about coming into a completely different existence, to actually become our ideas, our motivations, our happiness, our self worth so that we are unable to be contained.

    —Trenton Woodley via Alternative Press