Give Me Rest by Hands Lyrics
Looking for the English lyrics to “Give Me Rest” by Hands from the album Give Me Rest (2011)? More than 174 people have already found the lyrics of the song for karaoke, the notes of the melody to the song, the official video and clip of the song “Give Me Rest”.
Quote from the song “Give Me Rest” by Hands
Here I sit among the clouds
With nothing but the empty sound
I have seen the light of day
I have seen the water wash the blood away
Is my name in there?
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Official Music Video Song “Give Me Rest”
Hands - “Give Me Rest” (Official Video Clip)
This video clip of Hands will answer the following questions:
- What song samples Give Me Rest?
- Where is Give Me Rest music video clip?
- Who was in the Give Me Rest official music video?
- Who sang the popular song Give Me Rest?
- What is the meaning of the song Give Me Rest?
Perfect Lyrics of the Song “Give Me Rest” Released in 2011
[Favorite Song Lyrics: song “Give Me Rest” with perfect lyrics for karaoke]
Here I sit among the clouds
With nothing but the empty sound
I have seen the light of day
I have seen the water wash the blood away
Is my name in there?
Send a smile to my daughter
Tell her everything is fine
And give my wisdom to my brother
Tell him to use it right
And to everyone I've wronged
The thought has never left my mind
You are the end and I am fading
Will I rest with you for all of time?
Is my name in there?
Give me rest
Tell my wife I adore her
That she is beautiful and kind
Here I sit among the clouds
I was wrong and You were right
Give me rest