Casablanca Holiday by Graham Brazier Lyrics

Looking for the English lyrics to “Casablanca Holiday” by Graham Brazier from the album Brazier (1987)? More than 120 people have already found the lyrics of the song for karaoke, the notes of the melody to the song, the official video and clip of the song “Casablanca Holiday”.

Casablanca Holiday en Lyrics [Graham Brazier]
Casablanca Holiday English Lyrics Album Brazier

Quote from the song “Casablanca Holiday” by Graham Brazier

To all the snakes that crawl
And the pictures on the wall
And the people that come go
I make my way to my artificial home
It's a late night horror show
And I pirouette to place my bet Madam

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Casablanca Holiday lyrics [Graham Brazier]

Graham Brazier: Casablanca Holiday Lyrics

Credits, Cast & Crew of Song “Casablanca Holiday”

  • Produced: Rhys Moody, Graham Brazier
  • Written: Graham Brazier
  • Release Date: November 1, 1987

Casablanca Holiday lyrics credits, cast, crew of song

Credits, Cast and Crew of Samples: Casablanca Holiday lyrics

Perfect Lyrics of the Song “Casablanca Holiday” Released in 1987

[Favorite Song Lyrics: song “Casablanca Holiday” with perfect lyrics for karaoke]

To all the snakes that crawl
And the pictures on the wall
And the people that come go
I make my way to my artificial home
It's a late night horror show
And I pirouette to place my bet Madam

On an ocean cruise with a rose
Between my teeth and not too much to lose
To be home with you in electric blue
Either way I choose
Just to walk my way, crawl my way Madam

So don’t give me a pat on my back
A silver coin to help me on my way
And spoil this Casablanca Holiday

Now there's rich men and lay men
They all can read the signs
There's a lighthouse beacon
Won’t let us weaken and we keep
Up with the times
But my hands they shake, the ocean breaks Madam

To your fence post shrine, like beyond the grime
The lost planet hits the road
To my good girls ribbon, the love ungiven
This love I can't unload
What can I say, I'm amazed Madam
Oh baby I must confess I would be in a hell of a mess
If I lost your address

So don't you Mama now
Don't you give me a pat on the back
A silver coin to help me on my way
And spoil this Casablanca Holiday

Oh Casablanca

Oh Casablanca

Oh Casablanca