Ringneck Loon by Gordon Lightfoot Lyrics

Looking for the English lyrics to “Ringneck Loon” by Gordon Lightfoot from the album A Painter Passing Through (1998)? More than 130 people have already found the lyrics of the song for karaoke, the notes of the melody to the song, the official video and clip of the song “Ringneck Loon”.

Ringneck Loon en Lyrics [Gordon Lightfoot]
Ringneck Loon English Lyrics Album A Painter Passing Through

Quote from the song “Ringneck Loon” by Gordon Lightfoot

Hear the call of the ringneck loon
Hear the sound, he will be home soon
Hear the cry in the afternoon


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Ringneck Loon lyrics [Gordon Lightfoot]

Gordon Lightfoot: Ringneck Loon Lyrics

Credits, Cast & Crew of Song “Ringneck Loon”

  • Produced: Bob Doidge, Gordon Lightfoot
  • Written: Gordon Lightfoot
  • Release Date: 1998

Ringneck Loon lyrics credits, cast, crew of song

Credits, Cast and Crew of Samples: Ringneck Loon lyrics

Additional Information About the Sample “Ringneck Loon”:

  • Ringneck Loon Live Performances: RIngneck Loon (Live) by Gordon Lightfoot

Perfect Lyrics of the Song “Ringneck Loon” Released in 1998

[Favorite Song Lyrics: song “Ringneck Loon” with perfect lyrics for karaoke]


Hear the call of the ringneck loon
Hear the sound, he will be home soon
Hear the cry in the afternoon

[Verse 1]

Ringneck loon, he knows best
He's a loon and he don't care less
Ringneck loon, away off shore
How could anybody ask for more?


Hear the call of the ringneck loon
Hear the sound, he will be home soon
Hear the cry in the afternoon

[Verse 2]

Ringneck loon, he can't rest
He's a loon and he don't care less
Ringneck loon around the bend
Been a loon since he don't know when
Hear the call of the ringneck loon

[Verse 3]

City life is what I see
City life is the life for me
Ringneck loon, he knows best
He's a loon and he don't care less


Hear the cry of the ringneck loon
Hear the sound, he will be here soon
Hear the cry in the afternoon

[Verse 4]

Ringneck loon, you can't rest
You're a loonie and you don't care less
Ringneck loon, my old friend
Been a loon since he don't know when
Hear the call of the ringneck loon

[Verse 5]

City life is what I see
City life is the life for me
Ringneck loon, away off shore
How could anybody ask for more?


Hear the cry of the ringneck loon
Hear the sound, he will be home soon
Hear the cry in the afternoon