Waitin’ on Ya by Genesis Owusu Lyrics

Looking for the English lyrics to “Waitin’ on Ya” by Genesis Owusu from the album Smiling with No Teeth (2021)? More than 87 people have already found the lyrics of the song for karaoke, the notes of the melody to the song, the official video and clip of the song “Waitin’ on Ya”.

Waitin’ on Ya en Lyrics [Genesis Owusu]
Waitin’ on Ya English Lyrics Album Smiling with No Teeth

Quote from the song “Waitin’ on Ya” by Genesis Owusu

One step, two step, three
Down into the meadow
I could call it a garden of Eden but I'd be lying
I saw the merchant with the black fur coat
He waved me over, he said
"Come here boy, don’t waver
Let me show you my wares
I have dials for sale, dials for sale
Smiles for sale, smiles for sale
Gold, ruby, copper, diamond, whatever do you need
Anything but the real, oh, anything but the real
Anything but the real, oh, anything but the real, you devil, you"


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Waitin’ on Ya lyrics [Genesis Owusu]

Genesis Owusu: Waitin’ on Ya Lyrics

Official Music Video Song “Waitin’ on Ya”

Genesis Owusu - “Waitin’ on Ya” (Official Video Clip)

This video clip of Genesis Owusu will answer the following questions:

  • What song samples Waitin’ on Ya?
  • Where is Waitin’ on Ya music video clip?
  • Who was in the Waitin’ on Ya official music video?
  • Who sang the popular song Waitin’ on Ya?
  • What is the meaning of the song Waitin’ on Ya?

Credits, Cast & Crew of Song “Waitin’ on Ya”

  • Produced: Andrew Klippel
  • Written: Michael Di Francesco, Genesis Owusu, Kirin J Callinan, Julian Sudek, Andrew Klippel
  • Release Date: March 5, 2021

Waitin’ on Ya lyrics credits, cast, crew of song

Credits, Cast and Crew of Samples: Waitin’ on Ya lyrics

Perfect Lyrics of the Song “Waitin’ on Ya” Released in 2021

[Favorite Song Lyrics: song “Waitin’ on Ya” with perfect lyrics for karaoke]


One step, two step, three
Down into the meadow
I could call it a garden of Eden but I'd be lying
I saw the merchant with the black fur coat
He waved me over, he said
"Come here boy, don’t waver
Let me show you my wares
I have dials for sale, dials for sale
Smiles for sale, smiles for sale
Gold, ruby, copper, diamond, whatever do you need
Anything but the real, oh, anything but the real
Anything but the real, oh, anything but the real, you devil, you"


Said I've been preying on ya
You brooding all alone
I've been weighing on ya
A crack upon your throne
I’ve been laying on ya
And waiting on my phone for you, on my phone for you, uh uh
Said I've been preying on ya
You brooding all alone
I've been weighing on ya
A crack upon your throne
I've been laying on ya
And waiting on my phone for you, on my phone for you, uh uh

[Verse 1]

Said I just dig my little paws into your skin until you're mine baby
I can be your king, can be the one you give your crown baby
Lay you on my altar and I feast until it's time for you, until it's time for you
Uh uh
I said you sink into my ocean, tip my potion on your tongue with it
You don't need your homies, I can be your number one with it
Wrap you in my blanket so I never see the sun with you, see the sun with you
Uh uh


Said I’ve been preying on ya
You brooding all alone
I’ve been weighing on ya
A crack upon your throne
I've been laying on ya
And waiting on my phone for you, on my phone for you, uh uh
Said I’ve been preying on ya
You brooding all alone
I've been weighing on ya
A crack upon your throne
I've been laying on ya
And waiting on my phone for you, on my phone for you, uh uh

[Verse 2]

Now how you stand darling, I'm
The blackest dog upon the land darling
I built your castle on the sand darling
I’m making waves for you, I'm making waves for you, uh uh
Just follow me, honey
We'll take a trip into the sea, honey
A float is never what you need, honey
I'll take the air for you, I'll take the air from you hahaha


I'll let you sink into the depths
(The alarm can't disturb you in an eternal slumber baby)
You can't escape me with your strength
(Everyday is a holiday if you can't tell the time)
The light can't hurt you with these walls
(Save money on sunglasses by forever staying in the shade)
Now at the bottom you can't fall


Said I've been preying on ya
You brooding all alone
I've been weighing on ya
A crack upon your throne
I've been laying on ya
And waiting on my phone for you, on my phone for you, uh uh
Said I've been preying on ya
You brooding all alone
I've been weighing on ya
A crack upon your throne
I've been laying on ya
And waiting on my phone for you, on my phone for you, uh uh

Two, three, yeah, uh


Catch up, catch up
I can't see you, catch up, (catch up)
Catch up, catch up
I can't see you, catch up, (catch up)
Catch up, catch up
I can't see you, catch up, catch up, catch up, catch up, catch up
I can't see you whoa, whoa, whoa
Catch up, catch up
I can't see you, catch up (catch up)
Catch up, catch up
I can't see you, whoa, whoa, whoa
Catch up, catch up
I can't see you, catch up
Catch up, catch up
I can't see you, I can't see you, ah

Waitin’ on Ya performed by Genesis Owusu alternate

Waitin’ on Ya Performed by Genesis Owusu Alternate

FAQ & Knowledge Song “Waitin’ on Ya”

  • ℚ. What have the artists said about the song?

    It’s a sister track to “Centrefold”. The through line has the same story.

    —via Apple Music