Acne Blues by Gallagher & Lyle Lyrics

Looking for the English lyrics to “Acne Blues” by Gallagher & Lyle from the album The Last Cowboy (1974)? More than 95 people have already found the lyrics of the song for karaoke, the notes of the melody to the song, the official video and clip of the song “Acne Blues”.

Acne Blues en Lyrics [Gallagher & Lyle]
Acne Blues English Lyrics Album The Last Cowboy

Quote from the song “Acne Blues” by Gallagher & Lyle

I wish I was nasty, sullen or dumb
Or even an orphan with a drunk for a mum
Tried to get soul but my feet stayed on the ground
A well-balanced childhood is hard to live down

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Acne Blues lyrics [Gallagher & Lyle]

Gallagher & Lyle: Acne Blues Lyrics

Perfect Lyrics of the Song “Acne Blues” Released in 1974

[Favorite Song Lyrics: song “Acne Blues” with perfect lyrics for karaoke]

I wish I was nasty, sullen or dumb
Or even an orphan with a drunk for a mum
Tried to get soul but my feet stayed on the ground
A well-balanced childhood is hard to live down

Faking Cybulski with the glasses and gun
Heading for Poland and the revolution
Got not much further than the outside of town
A well-balanced childhood is hard to live down

I had a chip on my shoulder, a saint for a mum
A glorious dream of martyrdom
But my folks bust the bubble, saying "We understand"
A well-balanced child makes a well-balanced man