Raindrops by Fytch, Captain Crunch & Carmen Forbes Lyrics

Looking for the English lyrics to “Raindrops” by Fytch, Captain Crunch & Carmen Forbes from the album Raindrops (Remixes) (2012)? More than 54 people have already found the lyrics of the song for karaoke, the notes of the melody to the song, the official video and clip of the song “Raindrops”.

Raindrops en Lyrics [Fytch, Captain Crunch & Carmen Forbes]
Raindrops English Lyrics Album Raindrops (Remixes)

Quote from the song “Raindrops” by Fytch, Captain Crunch & Carmen Forbes

You left me here to cry
You hurt me deep inside
The night goes on
And I can tell that I won't make it through alone
Let me fly into the moonlight
Just give me space to breathe
Let me see inside the darkness
Just to wash away the fear
The cold surrounds me now
In this sea of lies and doubts
A moment life's about
It's quiet now, all I hear is raindrops


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Raindrops lyrics [Fytch, Captain Crunch & Carmen Forbes]

Fytch, Captain Crunch & Carmen Forbes: Raindrops Lyrics

Credits, Cast & Crew of Song “Raindrops”

  • Featuring: ​Fytch
  • Release Date: September 16, 2012

Raindrops lyrics credits, cast, crew of song

Credits, Cast and Crew of Samples: Raindrops lyrics

Perfect Lyrics of the Song “Raindrops” Released in 2012

[Favorite Song Lyrics: song “Raindrops” with perfect lyrics for karaoke]

You left me here to cry
You hurt me deep inside
The night goes on
And I can tell that I won't make it through alone
Let me fly into the moonlight
Just give me space to breathe
Let me see inside the darkness
Just to wash away the fear
The cold surrounds me now
In this sea of lies and doubts
A moment life's about
It's quiet now, all I hear is raindrops

Raindrops All I hear is raindrops
Raindrops Quiet now, all I hear is raindrops

Let me fly into the moonlight
All I hear is raindrops
The cold surrounds
It's quiet now, all I hear is raindrops
Lies and doubts
All I hear is raindrops
RaindropsAll I hear is raindrops
Raidrops Quiet now, all I hear is raindrops
