テニスのボイフレンド by Freezepop Lyrics
Looking for the Estonian lyrics to “テニスのボイフレンド” by Freezepop from the album Freezepop Forever (2000)? More than 197 people have already found the lyrics of the song for karaoke, the notes of the melody to the song, the official video and clip of the song “テニスのボイフレンド”.
Quote from the song “テニスのボイフレンド” by Freezepop
Sen shuumatsu dekakemashita (Tenisu no boifurendo)
Soshite anata o mimashita (Tenisu no boifurendo)
Anata wa tenisu ga joozu deshoo (Tenisu no boifurendo)
Machitaku nai desu, jaa ikimashoo (Tenisu no boifurendo)
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Official Music Video Song “テニスのボイフレンド”
Freezepop - “テニスのボイフレンド” (Official Video Clip)
This video clip of Freezepop will answer the following questions:
- What song samples テニスのボイフレンド?
- Where is テニスのボイフレンド music video clip?
- Who was in the テニスのボイフレンド official music video?
- Who sang the popular song テニスのボイフレンド?
- What is the meaning of the song テニスのボイフレンド?
Credits, Cast & Crew of Song “テニスのボイフレンド”
- Produced: Kasson Crooker
- Written: Kasson Crooker, Liz Enthusiasm
- Release Date: 2000
Additional Information About the Sample “テニスのボイフレンド”:
- テニスのボイフレンド (Tenisu no Boifurendo) Remixes: Tenisu no Boifurendo (Kodomo Remix) by Freezepop
Perfect Lyrics of the Song “テニスのボイフレンド” Released in 2000
[Favorite Song Lyrics: song “テニスのボイフレンド” with perfect lyrics for karaoke]
[Verse 1]
Sen shuumatsu dekakemashita (Tenisu no boifurendo)
Soshite anata o mimashita (Tenisu no boifurendo)
Anata wa tenisu ga joozu deshoo (Tenisu no boifurendo)
Machitaku nai desu, jaa ikimashoo (Tenisu no boifurendo)
Anata to watashi
Anata to watashi
Anata wa taitei
Zuibun ogenki desu ne
Tenisu no boifurendo
Totemo ii desu yo
Anata wa taitei
Zuibun ogenki desu ne
Tenisu no boifurendo
Totemo ii desu yo
[Verse 2]
Tenisu o shimasen ka? (Tenisu no boifurendo)
Watashi wa heta desu ga (Tenisu no boifurendo)
Mainichi watashi wa naraimasu (Tenisu no boifurendo)
Watashitachi wa tenisu o shimasu (Tenisu no boifurendo)
Anata to watashi
Anata to watashi
Anata wa taitei
Zuibun ogenki desu ne
Tenisu no boifurendo
Totemo ii desu yo
Anata wa taitei
Zuibun ogenki desu ne
Tenisu no boifurendo
Totemo ii desu yo
[Verse 3]
Demo kyoo ame ga furimasu (Tenisu no boifurendo)
Dakara uchi ni imasu (Tenisu no boifurendo)
Anata wa totemo kawaii desu (Tenisu no boifurendo)
Anata no heya e ikitai desu (Tenisu no boifurendo)
Anata wa taitei
Zuibun ogenki desu ne
Tenisu no boifurendo
Totemo ii desu yo
Anata wa taitei
Zuibun ogenki desu ne
Tenisu no boifurendo
Totemo ii desu yo
Anata wa taitei
Zuibun ogenki desu ne
Tenisu no boifurendo
Totemo ii desu yo
Anata wa taitei
Zuibun ogenki desu ne
Tenisu no boifurendo
Totemo ii desu yo
Anata wa taitei
Zuibun ogenki desu ne
Tenisu no boifurendo
Totemo ii desu yo
Anata wa taitei
Zuibun ogenki desu ne
Tenisu no boifurendo
Totemo ii desu yo