Ruum426 by TESLAPOISS Lyrics

Looking for the Estonian lyrics to “Ruum426” by TESLAPOISS (2019)? More than 41 people have already found the lyrics of the song for karaoke, the notes of the melody to the song, the official video and clip of the song “Ruum426”.

Ruum426 et Lyrics [TESLAPOISS]
Ruum426 Estonian Lyrics

Quote from the song “Ruum426” by TESLAPOISS

Lasen endale ma shoti jalga
Tüdruk miks sa end salaja varjad
Miks sa end salgad

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Ruum426 lyrics [TESLAPOISS]

TESLAPOISS: Ruum426 Lyrics

Credits, Cast & Crew of Song “Ruum426”

  • Produced: BlackMayo
  • Written: TESLAPOISS
  • Release Date: June 29, 2019

Ruum426 lyrics credits, cast, crew of song

Credits, Cast and Crew of Samples: Ruum426 lyrics

Perfect Lyrics of the Song “Ruum426” Released in 2019

[Favorite Song Lyrics: song “Ruum426” with perfect lyrics for karaoke]

Lasen endale ma shoti jalga
Tüdruk miks sa end salaja varjad
Miks sa end salgad

Bitchid ma ju panen faking ritta
Ei lase neile öelda ma lita
Jobidele annan ma ju faking vitsa
Peale ei joo me liks ja liks ja
A sa küsid miks?

Tule siia anna mulle, anna motti
Siis ma panengi ju laulu kotti
Tule siia mängime mänge, need joogid on väga vänged
Viimase tobiga me teeme vanglat

Passi hiti
Paneme lit
Lit pidu
Mu tibu litim
Peast ma ära olen flipin'd
Mu tibu litim