What If God's Not One of Us by FEAR (Band) Lyrics

Looking for the English lyrics to “What If God's Not One of Us” by FEAR (Band) from the album American Beer (2000)? More than 15 people have already found the lyrics of the song for karaoke, the notes of the melody to the song, the official video and clip of the song “What If God's Not One of Us”.

What If God\'s Not One of Us en Lyrics [FEAR (Band)]
What If God\'s Not One of Us English Lyrics Album American Beer

Quote from the song “What If God's Not One of Us” by FEAR (Band)

What if god makes jokes with his big brain
And he's really sorry about all the pain
He's watching humans writhe and cough
While he's busy laughing his ass off


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What If God's Not One of Us lyrics [FEAR (Band)]

FEAR (Band): What If God's Not One of Us Lyrics

Official Music Video Song “What If God's Not One of Us”

FEAR (Band) - “What If God's Not One of Us” (Official Video Clip)

This video clip of FEAR (Band) will answer the following questions:

  • What song samples What If God's Not One of Us?
  • Where is What If God's Not One of Us music video clip?
  • Who was in the What If God's Not One of Us official music video?
  • Who sang the popular song What If God's Not One of Us?
  • What is the meaning of the song What If God's Not One of Us?

Credits, Cast & Crew of Song “What If God's Not One of Us”

  • Produced: Lee Ving, Kevin Oberlin
  • Written: Lee Ving
  • Release Date: September 5, 2000

What If God's Not One of Us lyrics credits, cast, crew of song

Credits, Cast and Crew of Samples: What If God's Not One of Us lyrics

Additional Information About the Sample “What If God's Not One of Us”:

  • What If God’s Not One of Us Interpolations: One of Us by Joan Osborne

Perfect Lyrics of the Song “What If God's Not One of Us” Released in 2000

[Favorite Song Lyrics: song “What If God's Not One of Us” with perfect lyrics for karaoke]

What if god makes jokes with his big brain
And he's really sorry about all the pain
He's watching humans writhe and cough
While he's busy laughing his ass off

What if God's not one of us
(What if God's not one of us)
What if God's not one of us
(What if God's not one of us)

What if God don't have no master plan
Not more or less than any man
What if God's an alien
And he don't really like humans

What if God's not one of us
(What if God's not one of us)
What if God's not one of us
(What if God's not one of us)

[Guitar Solo]

What if God rides in a U.F.O
And maybe you don't wanna know
Well you think he's someone you can trust
Well what if God's not one of us
What if God's not one of us
(What if God's not one of us)
What if God's not one of us
(What if God's not one of us)

What if god's not really on our side
And the reverends, priests and rabbis lied
And we're just vermin on the earthen crust
With no one to watch over us

What if God's not one of us
(What if God's not one of us)
What if God's not one of us
(What if God's not one of us)

What if God's not one of us?
Just an alien on a bus
Can't even find his way home