Tears by EZZI Lyrics

Looking for the English lyrics to “Tears” by EZZI from the album Childhood Dreams (2021)? More than 18 people have already found the lyrics of the song for karaoke, the notes of the melody to the song, the official video and clip of the song “Tears”.

Tears en Lyrics [EZZI]
Tears English Lyrics Album Childhood Dreams

Quote from the song “Tears” by EZZI

I'm Falling apart
I'm Lost in the dark
Praying my heart out
Don’t let me go
I’m sick of the pain
No I’m not OK
But I won’t give up now
I’m calling your name


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Tears lyrics [EZZI]

EZZI: Tears Lyrics

Credits, Cast & Crew of Song “Tears”

  • Produced: Izzy Drai, EZZI
  • Written: EZZI
  • Release Date: June 13, 2021

Tears lyrics credits, cast, crew of song

Credits, Cast and Crew of Samples: Tears lyrics

Perfect Lyrics of the Song “Tears” Released in 2021

[Favorite Song Lyrics: song “Tears” with perfect lyrics for karaoke]

I'm Falling apart
I'm Lost in the dark
Praying my heart out
Don’t let me go
I’m sick of the pain
No I’m not OK
But I won’t give up now
I’m calling your name

Cold night all alone
I’m suffocating
Feel like this time I’m about to blow
Ye said Cold sweat quick breath
Hands shaking
That’s when I Looked up to the sky
Yelling God I don’t want to go
Tears flowing nonstop life passing me by
Sitting on the curb watching the cars drive
Headlights blurry from the tears inside of my eyes
I'm thinking, is this really it am I gonna die?

Still shaking I started getting back to my
That's when i said no way
Tonight's gonna be my exit
Because more than anybody elsе
You owe it to yourself
Beliеve me you ain't never gonna
Need nobody else
Only you know what it's like when you can't breathe
That's why one day your gonna witness it all leave
The worlds ice cold
But you’re not gonna freeze
Cuz you’re a precious diamond
You just got to believe
I'mFalling apart
I'm Lost in the dark
Praying my heart out
Don’t let me go
I’m sick of the pain
No I’m not OK
But I won’t give up now
I’m calling your name
I’ve seen the tunnel with no light at the end
The damn lining with no silver in 'em
I’ve been through pain
That I hope you never know about
Like the sun disappeared
And faded to clouds
And painful days turned to painful years
My emotions all dead bro except for fear
Didn’t know if I'd ever make it out of here
Didn’t want to let myself think the end was near
Just when I thought it was over I started seeing light
No matter what the struggle is man you gotta fight
And now im Praying wishing hoping
Anybody going through it
Gonna finally find a way to make it Allright
I guess I’m tryna say is never give up
Damn theres always gonna be something that's gonna make it tough
But in the end if you keep going
Keep fighting you gon realize
That even the struggle is love

I'm Falling apart
I'm Lost in the dark
Praying my heart out
Don’t let me go
I’m sick of the pain
No I’m not OK
But I won’t give up now
I’m calling your name
Falling apart
Lost in the dark
Praying my heart out
Don’t let me go
I’m sick of the pain
And I’m not OK
I won’t give up now
I’m calling your name