솔직히 지친다 (Everybody Has) by CHUNG HA Lyrics
Looking for the English lyrics to “솔직히 지친다 (Everybody Has)” by CHUNG HA from the album CHUNG HA - Querencia (English Translation) (2020)? More than 142 people have already found the lyrics of the song for karaoke, the notes of the melody to the song, the official video and clip of the song “솔직히 지친다 (Everybody Has)”.
Quote from the song “솔직히 지친다 (Everybody Has)” by CHUNG HA
When the dawn comes again
And I can't fall asleep for some reason
The sad worries come and find me
When such a worry
Came to me and shook me
I stood on my feet to forget that I was tired
Can you finish lyrics of the song “솔직히 지친다 (Everybody Has)” based on this quote?
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Official Music Video Song “솔직히 지친다 (Everybody Has)”
CHUNG HA - “솔직히 지친다 (Everybody Has)” (Official Video Clip)
This video clip of CHUNG HA will answer the following questions:
- What song samples 솔직히 지친다 (Everybody Has)?
- Where is 솔직히 지친다 (Everybody Has) music video clip?
- Who was in the 솔직히 지친다 (Everybody Has) official music video?
- Who sang the popular song 솔직히 지친다 (Everybody Has)?
- What is the meaning of the song 솔직히 지친다 (Everybody Has)?
Credits, Cast & Crew of Song “솔직히 지친다 (Everybody Has)”
- Original Song Title: 솔직히 지친다 (Everybody Has), English translation
- Release Date: February 29, 2020
Perfect Lyrics of the Song “솔직히 지친다 (Everybody Has)” Released in 2020
[Favorite Song Lyrics: song “솔직히 지친다 (Everybody Has)” with perfect lyrics for karaoke]
[Verse 1]
When the dawn comes again
And I can't fall asleep for some reason
The sad worries come and find me
When such a worry
Came to me and shook me
I stood on my feet to forget that I was tired
The many burdens I can't put down
Land on top of my small shoulders
Your words of comfort and rest
I couldn't hear all of them
Now I'm all tired, your expectations
And my endless hard work
Can I do it well? When I think of them
Tears come and fill my eyes
I'm honestly tired, I'm now tired of
My dream that was bigger than you
[Verse 2]
When people are laughing
I feel like I'm the only one lonely among them
I miss your warm comfort
I don't want to say it's fine
When I'm tired and I need to care of myself
Your words of comfort and rest
I couldn't hear all of them
Now I'm all tired, your expectations
And my endless hard work
Can I do it well? When I think of them
Tears come and fill my eyes
I'm honestly tired, I'm now tired of
My dream that was bigger than you
I'm honestly tired
I'm now tired of everything
My dreams that
Were bigger than you