Intro: Serendipity (세렌디피티) by BTS Lyrics

Looking for the English lyrics to “Intro: Serendipity (세렌디피티)” by BTS from the album BTS- Love Yourself 承 ‘Her’ (English Translation) (2017)? More than 27 people have already found the lyrics of the song for karaoke, the notes of the melody to the song, the official video and clip of the song “Intro: Serendipity (세렌디피티)”.

Intro: Serendipity (세렌디피티) en Lyrics [BTS]
Intro: Serendipity (세렌디피티) English Lyrics Album BTS- Love Yourself 承 ‘Her’ (English Translation)

Quote from the song “Intro: Serendipity (세렌디피티)” by BTS

All this is no coincidence
Just, just, by my feeling
The whole world is different from yesterday
Just, just, with your joy
When you called me
I became your flower
As if we were waiting
We bloom until we ache
Maybe it's the providence of the universe
It just had to be that
You know, I know
You are me, I am you

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Intro: Serendipity (세렌디피티) lyrics [BTS]

BTS: Intro: Serendipity (세렌디피티) Lyrics

Official Music Video Song “Intro: Serendipity (세렌디피티)”

BTS - “Intro: Serendipity (세렌디피티)” (Official Video Clip)

This video clip of BTS will answer the following questions:

  • What song samples Intro: Serendipity (세렌디피티)?
  • Where is Intro: Serendipity (세렌디피티) music video clip?
  • Who was in the Intro: Serendipity (세렌디피티) official music video?
  • Who sang the popular song Intro: Serendipity (세렌디피티)?
  • What is the meaning of the song Intro: Serendipity (세렌디피티)?

Credits, Cast & Crew of Song “Intro: Serendipity (세렌디피티)”

Intro: Serendipity (세렌디피티) lyrics credits, cast, crew of song

Credits, Cast and Crew of Samples: Intro: Serendipity (세렌디피티) lyrics

Perfect Lyrics of the Song “Intro: Serendipity (세렌디피티)” Released in 2017

[Favorite Song Lyrics: song “Intro: Serendipity (세렌디피티)” with perfect lyrics for karaoke]

[Verse 1: Jimin]

All this is no coincidence
Just, just, by my feeling
The whole world is different from yesterday
Just, just, with your joy
When you called me
I became your flower
As if we were waiting
We bloom until we ache
Maybe it's the providence of the universe
It just had to be that
You know, I know
You are me, I am you

[Chorus: Jimin]

As much as my heart flutters, I'm worried
The destiny is jealous of us
Just like you I'm so scared
When you see me, when you touch me
The universe has moved for us
Without missing a single thing
Our happiness was meant to be
'Cause you love me, and I love you

[Verse 2: Jimin]

You're my penicillin, saving me, saving me
My angel, my world
I'm your Calico cat, here to see you
Love me now, touch me now

[Refrain: Jimin]

Just let me love you (let me love, let me love you)
Just let me love you (let me love, let me love you)
Since the creation of the universe
Everything was destined
Just let me love you (let me love, let me love you)
Just let me love you (let me love, let me love you)

[Outro: Jimin]

Let me love, let me love you
Let me love, let me love you

Intro: Serendipity (세렌디피티) performed by BTS alternate

Intro: Serendipity (세렌디피티) Performed by BTS Alternate

FAQ & Knowledge Song “Intro: Serendipity (세렌디피티)”

  • ℚ. What have the artists said about the recording process?

    I think this was the first time I really tried to highlight all the nuances of my voice and focus on each detail of my vocal expression. So it was very difficult to try to make sure that translated into the recording. And I just remember the recording process being very difficult because of how hard I tried to make sure that I focused on all of these details, making sure that they are expressed in the song.

    —Jimin via Rolling Stones