Mighty Echoes by Eloy Lyrics

Looking for the English lyrics to “Mighty Echoes” by Eloy from the album Silent Cries and Mighty Echoes (1979)? More than 51 people have already found the lyrics of the song for karaoke, the notes of the melody to the song, the official video and clip of the song “Mighty Echoes”.

Mighty Echoes en Lyrics [Eloy]
Mighty Echoes English Lyrics Album Silent Cries and Mighty Echoes

Quote from the song “Mighty Echoes” by Eloy

Just take a pebble and cast it to the silent sea
What does happen
Just have a thought, cry a word or pray a silent plea
Do you know what will happen
Billows arise and our senses catch a proof of energy
Do we know laws of nature
All one what we feel or do echoes return from eternity
We'll come to know our creator


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Mighty Echoes lyrics [Eloy]

Eloy: Mighty Echoes Lyrics

Credits, Cast & Crew of Song “Mighty Echoes”

  • Produced: Frank Bornemann, Eloy
  • Written: Detlev Schmidtchen, Frank Bornemann, Jürgen Rosenthal, Klaus-Peter Matziol
  • Release Date: 1979

Mighty Echoes lyrics credits, cast, crew of song

Credits, Cast and Crew of Samples: Mighty Echoes lyrics

Perfect Lyrics of the Song “Mighty Echoes” Released in 1979

[Favorite Song Lyrics: song “Mighty Echoes” with perfect lyrics for karaoke]

Just take a pebble and cast it to the silent sea
What does happen
Just have a thought, cry a word or pray a silent plea
Do you know what will happen
Billows arise and our senses catch a proof of energy
Do we know laws of nature
All one what we feel or do echoes return from eternity
We'll come to know our creator

We can't stop the echoes
Which are called forth by our animation
We can't hide from the echoes
From the truth of our soul - vibration

Do we know the sound of collapsing walls
Of collapsing truth, law and order
The instant of our Freudian deliverance
We are the shouters at the border
As long as we're entangled in declinating
All divine forces around us
As long as we refuse to understand
That we are here to spread out love

Are we actually informed
About the mission of our life
Do we know that we're composed
Of the trinity - of heart, soul, and mind
Our dark nights only come to bright end
When we learn - violence makes us sick and blind
Creation's aim and end, aspiration is to rise
The beam of love in our mind
Just think about what we call love and hate
We are the ones to recreate it
When we're sowing fear, when we lock up
We will reap all the tears
All the tears that separate
Punishment and pain is the touchstone for the gain
For the way, our common spirit glows
All our silent cries, our thoughts, our deeds
Will call forth what we earn, will arise
Mighty echoes will arise
Mighty Echoes