Ardour by Elend Lyrics

Looking for the English lyrics to “Ardour” by Elend from the album Sunwar the Dead (2004)? More than 71 people have already found the lyrics of the song for karaoke, the notes of the melody to the song, the official video and clip of the song “Ardour”.

Ardour en Lyrics [Elend]
Ardour English Lyrics Album Sunwar the Dead

Quote from the song “Ardour” by Elend


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Ardour lyrics [Elend]

Elend: Ardour Lyrics

Perfect Lyrics of the Song “Ardour” Released in 2004

[Favorite Song Lyrics: song “Ardour” with perfect lyrics for karaoke]


Dying into a dance
The wait will be over soon

The vision is gone, what’s left to see?
A poison for the eye, a cure for the heart
And the end of all faith

“​ Qu’est pour nous, mon cœur, que les nappes de sang
Et de braise, et mille meurtres, et les longs cris
De rage, sanglots de tout enfer renversant
Tout ordre ; et l’Aquilon encor sur les débris

Et toute vengeance ? Rien !... ”

Je n’aimerais pas mourir sur de tels rivages
Sous des cieux si vides
Où ne brûle nulle promesse

...Soleil-guerre, onde de sang...