It’s Your Move by Devin Wessels Lyrics

Looking for the English lyrics to “It’s Your Move” by Devin Wessels from the album Devin Wessels (2018)? More than 107 people have already found the lyrics of the song for karaoke, the notes of the melody to the song, the official video and clip of the song “It’s Your Move”.

It’s Your Move en Lyrics [Devin Wessels]
It’s Your Move English Lyrics Album Devin Wessels

Quote from the song “It’s Your Move” by Devin Wessels

For the heads that shake
And the ears that need to hear
For the backs against the wall
For the worn out eyes
And their dried up tears
For the asses 'bout to fall
For the kids in their college dorm rooms getting high
And their neighbors down the hall
For the mothers and the kids that play until their mothers call

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It’s Your Move lyrics [Devin Wessels]

Devin Wessels: It’s Your Move Lyrics

Credits, Cast & Crew of Song “It’s Your Move”

  • Produced: Devin Wessels
  • Written: Devin Wessels
  • Release Date: July 21, 2018

It’s Your Move lyrics credits, cast, crew of song

Credits, Cast and Crew of Samples: It’s Your Move lyrics

Perfect Lyrics of the Song “It’s Your Move” Released in 2018

[Favorite Song Lyrics: song “It’s Your Move” with perfect lyrics for karaoke]

For the heads that shake
And the ears that need to hear
For the backs against the wall
For the worn out eyes
And their dried up tears
For the asses 'bout to fall
For the kids in their college dorm rooms getting high
And their neighbors down the hall
For the mothers and the kids that play until their mothers call

It’s your move
You know what you wanna do
You’ve got a plan in your mind
Ooh and a brand new attitude
It’s your move
Don’t let ‘em tell you what to do
You’ve got a spark in your heart
Ooh and it feels so good
It’s your move
And you can fight out in the streets
To see who’s wrong and tell them what’s right
It’s your move

Some people are crushed by the weight of their own lives
Hell you could be crushed too
And you can’t always see it in their eyes
But there’s always proof
Someday you'll walk the streets with a hometown high
Feet coming out of your shoes
And you won’t need to worry more
Cuz you know what to do
It’s your move
You know what you wanna do
You’ve got a plan in your mind
Ooh and a brand new attitude
It’s your move
Don’t let ‘em tell you what to do
You’ve got a spark in your heart
Ooh and it feels so good
It’s your move
And you can fight out in the streets
To see who’s wrong and tell them what’s right
It’s your move