Forced to Live by Debbie Harry Lyrics

Looking for the English lyrics to “Forced to Live” by Debbie Harry from the album Def, Dumb & Blonde (1989)? More than 151 people have already found the lyrics of the song for karaoke, the notes of the melody to the song, the official video and clip of the song “Forced to Live”.

Forced to Live en Lyrics [Debbie Harry]
Forced to Live English Lyrics Album Def, Dumb & Blonde

Quote from the song “Forced to Live” by Debbie Harry

That's the deal
Forced to live!
You're on the wheel
Forced to live!
That's the deal
Forced to live!
Deal the wheel
Forced to live!
I see you
Forced to live!
Wheel and deal
Forced to live!

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Forced to Live lyrics [Debbie Harry]

Debbie Harry: Forced to Live Lyrics

Credits, Cast & Crew of Song “Forced to Live”

  • Produced: Mike Chapman
  • Written: Debbie Harry, Leigh Foxx
  • Release Date: October 16, 1989

Forced to Live lyrics credits, cast, crew of song

Credits, Cast and Crew of Samples: Forced to Live lyrics

Perfect Lyrics of the Song “Forced to Live” Released in 1989

[Favorite Song Lyrics: song “Forced to Live” with perfect lyrics for karaoke]

That's the deal
Forced to live!
You're on the wheel
Forced to live!
That's the deal
Forced to live!
Deal the wheel
Forced to live!
I see you
Forced to live!
Wheel and deal
Forced to live!

Don't wanna leave you in the lurch
You look like a vulture on a perch

Carry on
Forced to live!
Carry on
Forced to live!

Don't wanna leave you up a tree
Ain't gonna leave you hanging, see?
I see you carry on
I see you carry on
Won't you take a walk with me
We could go for miles
Don't step on the chalk marks
Keep your streety feet in style

Keep moving!
Forced to live!
Keep moving!
Forced to live!
Trying for sympathy
Crying you're forced to be

I see you're crying yourself to church
I see that vulture on the perch

Keep moving!
Forced to live!
Keep moving!
Forced to live!

Don't wanna leave you up a tree
Ain't gonna leave you hanging, see?

That's's the deal
Forced to live!
You're on the wheel
Forced to live!
Won't you take a walk with me
We could go for miles
Don't step on the chalk marks
Keep your streety feet in style

Keep moving!
Forced to live!
Keep moving!
Forced to live!

Trying for sympathy
Crying you're forced to be

Man's inhumanity to man's inhumanity to man's inhumanity to man's inhumanity

That's the deal
Forced to live!
You're on the wheel
Forced to live!
That's the deal
Forced to live!
Deal the wheel
Forced to live!

I see you carrying yourself to church
You see that vulture on a perch?
Keep moving!
Forced to live!
Keep moving!
Forced to live!