It's In Everyone of Us by David Pomeranz Lyrics
Looking for the English lyrics to “It's In Everyone of Us” by David Pomeranz from the album It’s In Everyone of Us (1975)? More than 196 people have already found the lyrics of the song for karaoke, the notes of the melody to the song, the official video and clip of the song “It's In Everyone of Us”.
Quote from the song “It's In Everyone of Us” by David Pomeranz
It's in everyone of us
To be wise
Find your heart
Open up both your eyes
We can all know everything
Without ever knowing why
It's in everyone of us
By and by
It's in everyone of us
To be wise
Find your heart
Open up both your eyes
We can all know everything
Without ever knowing why
It's in everyone of us
By and by
Can you finish lyrics of the song “It's In Everyone of Us” based on this quote?
If you can't then the lyrics will be below ...
Official Music Video Song “It's In Everyone of Us”
David Pomeranz - “It's In Everyone of Us” (Official Video Clip)
This video clip of David Pomeranz will answer the following questions:
- What song samples It's In Everyone of Us?
- Where is It's In Everyone of Us music video clip?
- Who was in the It's In Everyone of Us official music video?
- Who sang the popular song It's In Everyone of Us?
- What is the meaning of the song It's In Everyone of Us?
Credits, Cast & Crew of Song “It's In Everyone of Us”
- Produced: Vini Poncia
- Written: David Pomeranz
- Recording Engineer: Bob Schaper, Ron Hitchcock
- Assistant Recording Engineer: Galen Senogles, Joe Bellamy, Reed Stanley
- Remixing Engineer: Bob Schaper
- Background Vocals: Alan O’Day, Althea Pomeranz, Bob Strauss, Brie Howard, David Pomeranz, Denny Brooks, Gary Wright, Lorna Ellis, Patti Dahlstrom
- Bass: Emory Gordy Jr.
- Organ: David Pomeranz
- Piano: David Pomeranz
- Label: Arista Records
- Copyright ©: Arista Records
- Phonographic Copyright ℗: Arista Records
- Publisher: Warner Music Group
- Performance Rights: ASCAP
- Remixed At: Sound Labs (Hollywood)
- Recorded At: Sunset Sound Recorders (Los Angeles), Producer's Workshop (Los Angeles)
- Release Date: 1975
Perfect Lyrics of the Song “It's In Everyone of Us” Released in 1975
[Favorite Song Lyrics: song “It's In Everyone of Us” with perfect lyrics for karaoke]
It's in everyone of us
To be wise
Find your heart
Open up both your eyes
We can all know everything
Without ever knowing why
It's in everyone of us
By and by
It's in everyone of us
To be wise
Find your heart
Open up both your eyes
We can all know everything
Without ever knowing why
It's in everyone of us
By and by
It's in everyone of us
I just remembered
It's like sleeping for years
I'm not awake as I can be
But my seeing's better
I can see through the tears
I've been realizing that
I bought this ticket
And watching only half the show
But there's scenery and lights
And a cast of thousands
Who all know (Who all know), what I know (What I know)
And It's good
That it's so
It's in everyone of us
To be wise
Find your heart
Open up both your eyes
We can all know everything
Without ever knowing why
It's in everyone of us
By and by
It's in everyone of us
By and by