Letter 2 u by Daniyel Lyrics

Looking for the English lyrics to “Letter 2 u” by Daniyel (2018)? More than 17 people have already found the lyrics of the song for karaoke, the notes of the melody to the song, the official video and clip of the song “Letter 2 u”.

Letter 2 u en Lyrics [Daniyel]
Letter 2 u English Lyrics

Quote from the song “Letter 2 u” by Daniyel

Got to write you a letter
And I just hope that you get it
Even though you brought me pain
You are the reason that I'm living
Blood dripping, from your body
Your emotion controls your decision
And I hope you feel it the way
That I feel it for real
You never felt like enough
Until you felt my touch
Holding you until death
I never felt so much in love
It always feels like forever
Until the moment it ends
You were my friend
And I hope I see you again
They said you dead
And said you couldn't handle being on earth
I relate
They say I'm blessed
But I feel cursed
Wrote this verse with a feeling in my chest
I can't explain
I feel stuck staring at the walls drowning in the pain
What the fuck! (I'm sorry)
For everything that I said
I'm sorry for hurting you leaving to lay on your bed
With nobody by your side I had to swallow my pride
I followed my heart, and let you know you still on my mind
I don't blame you for the things you did when you were hurt
Yah, we all make mistakes
Trust me you're not the first
We all fade away because nothing lasts forever
I don't know if you're alive but this is my letter


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Letter 2 u lyrics [Daniyel]

Daniyel: Letter 2 u Lyrics

Credits, Cast & Crew of Song “Letter 2 u”

  • Written: Daniyel
  • Release Date:

Letter 2 u lyrics credits, cast, crew of song

Credits, Cast and Crew of Samples: Letter 2 u lyrics

Additional Information About the Sample “Letter 2 u”:

  • Written: Daniyel

Perfect Lyrics of the Song “Letter 2 u” Released in 2018

[Favorite Song Lyrics: song “Letter 2 u” with perfect lyrics for karaoke]


Dear, my love
Fuck love
Fuck love
I love you

[verse 1]

Got to write you a letter
And I just hope that you get it
Even though you brought me pain
You are the reason that I'm living
Blood dripping, from your body
Your emotion controls your decision
And I hope you feel it the way
That I feel it for real
You never felt like enough
Until you felt my touch
Holding you until death
I never felt so much in love
It always feels like forever
Until the moment it ends
You were my friend
And I hope I see you again
They said you dead
And said you couldn't handle being on earth
I relate
They say I'm blessed
But I feel cursed
Wrote this verse with a feeling in my chest
I can't explain
I feel stuck staring at the walls drowning in the pain
What the fuck! (I'm sorry)
For everything that I said
I'm sorry for hurting you leaving to lay on your bed
With nobody by your side I had to swallow my pride
I followed my heart, and let you know you still on my mind
I don't blame you for the things you did when you were hurt
Yah, we all make mistakes
Trust me you're not the first
We all fade away because nothing lasts forever
I don't know if you're alive but this is my letter