Wake Up In New York by Craig Armstrong Lyrics
Looking for the English lyrics to “Wake Up In New York” by Craig Armstrong from the album As If to Nothing (2002)? More than 164 people have already found the lyrics of the song for karaoke, the notes of the melody to the song, the official video and clip of the song “Wake Up In New York”.
Quote from the song “Wake Up In New York” by Craig Armstrong
Wake up in New York
Put a comb through your hair
Don't you ever want to lie down
When there's no one else around
I want to say this to you
Can you finish lyrics of the song “Wake Up In New York” based on this quote?
If you can't then the lyrics will be below ...
Credits, Cast & Crew of Song “Wake Up In New York”
- Featuring: Evan Dando
- Produced: Craig Armstrong
- Written: Craig Armstrong, Evan Dando
- Mixing Engineer: Mark “Spike” Stent
- Background Vocals: Steven Lindsay
- Orchestral Arranger: Craig Armstrong
- Progammer: Stephen Hilton
- Guitar: John Parricelli, Ali MacLeod, Craig Armstrong
- Vocals: Evan Dando
- Release Date:
Additional Information About the Sample “Wake Up In New York”:
- Featuring: Evan Dando rn
- Produced: Craig Armstrong rn
- Written: Craig Armstrong, Evan Dando rn
- Mixing Engineer: Mark “Spike” Stent rn
- Background Vocals: Steven Lindsay rn
- Orchestral Arranger: Craig Armstrong rn
- Progammer: Stephen Hilton rn
- Guitar: John Parricelli, Ali MacLeod, Craig Armstrong rn
- Vocals: Evan Dando
Perfect Lyrics of the Song “Wake Up In New York” Released in 2002
[Favorite Song Lyrics: song “Wake Up In New York” with perfect lyrics for karaoke]
[Verse 1: Evan Dando]
Wake up in New York
Put a comb through your hair
Don't you ever want to lie down
When there's no one else around
I want to say this to you
[Verse 2: Evan Dando]
I know I hurt you
You know you hurt me too
Don't you ever want to lie down?
Close your eyes and leave the ground
I want to get hold of you
[Verse 3: Evan Dando]
I'll meet you in New York
By the drugstore on First Avenue
And then we will lie down
With the buildings all around
I want to say this to you
I want to say this to you