High Ground, Low Expectations by Courtesy Drop Lyrics

Looking for the English lyrics to “High Ground, Low Expectations” by Courtesy Drop from the album What Makes This Place Worth Calling Our Home (2011)? More than 111 people have already found the lyrics of the song for karaoke, the notes of the melody to the song, the official video and clip of the song “High Ground, Low Expectations”.

High Ground, Low Expectations en Lyrics [Courtesy Drop]
High Ground, Low Expectations English Lyrics Album What Makes This Place Worth Calling Our Home

Quote from the song “High Ground, Low Expectations” by Courtesy Drop

We used to be happy
When we let ourselves tell us that we could do anything
We could have done anything
Maybe our hopes were misplaced
Maybe our love was too free
But at least we still trusted in living
Now we sit
A body of cynics
Putting nothing but doubt into everything and everyone
We should have known we were going wrong
When we called it 'growing older'


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High Ground, Low Expectations lyrics [Courtesy Drop]

Courtesy Drop: High Ground, Low Expectations Lyrics

Perfect Lyrics of the Song “High Ground, Low Expectations” Released in 2011

[Favorite Song Lyrics: song “High Ground, Low Expectations” with perfect lyrics for karaoke]

We used to be happy
When we let ourselves tell us that we could do anything
We could have done anything
Maybe our hopes were misplaced
Maybe our love was too free
But at least we still trusted in living
Now we sit
A body of cynics
Putting nothing but doubt into everything and everyone
We should have known we were going wrong
When we called it 'growing older'

Now we're content with second best
In this dead-end town where we swore you'd never see us again
Because we gave up when things got hard
We weren't man enough to wear the scars like trophies

Now my feet are restless
And all I'm doing here is standing still
And your defeat is evident
But you're just fine
Because you're used to everything going downhill

But I'm not content like all the rest
And I'm getting out of this town while I still have the chance
I'll never give up when things get hard
I'm man enough to take the scars on proudly
Oh my god
What have you become?
Such a pathetic shell of yourself
Working for nothing but the end

If I had known that it'd be ending like this
I would have saved you instead of hoping for the best