Flyer! by Chinozo Lyrics

Looking for the Japanese lyrics to “Flyer!” by Chinozo (2022)? More than 163 people have already found the lyrics of the song for karaoke, the notes of the melody to the song, the official video and clip of the song “Flyer!”.

Flyer! ja Lyrics [Chinozo]
Flyer! Japanese Lyrics

Quote from the song “Flyer!” by Chinozo

Wow wow 飛び立てば 正解!
Wow wow 飛び立てば 正解!

Can you finish lyrics of the song “Flyer!” based on this quote?

If you can't then the lyrics will be below ...

Flyer! lyrics [Chinozo]

Chinozo: Flyer! Lyrics

Official Music Video Song “Flyer!”

Chinozo - “Flyer!” (Official Video Clip)

This video clip of Chinozo will answer the following questions:

  • What song samples Flyer!?
  • Where is Flyer! music video clip?
  • Who was in the Flyer! official music video?
  • Who sang the popular song Flyer!?
  • What is the meaning of the song Flyer!?

Credits, Cast & Crew of Song “Flyer!”

  • Featuring: ​flower (フラワ) (Vocaloid)
  • Produced: Chinozo
  • Written: Chinozo
  • Bass: ​kakeyan
  • Video Animation Producer: アルセチカ (Aruse Chika)
  • Release Date: February 16, 2022

Flyer! lyrics credits, cast, crew of song

Credits, Cast and Crew of Samples: Flyer! lyrics

Additional Information About the Sample “Flyer!”:

  • Flyer! Covers: Flyer! by Vivid BAD SQUAD (Ft. 鏡音レン (Kagamine Len))

Perfect Lyrics of the Song “Flyer!” Released in 2022

[Favorite Song Lyrics: song “Flyer!” with perfect lyrics for karaoke]

[Chinozo「Flyer! (ft. flower)」歌詞]

Wow wow 飛び立てば 正解!
Wow wow 飛び立てば 正解!

どこまでもまだ まだ高い壁
それって どこまでもただ ただ怖がっていない?
あの空はこんなにも こんなにも 青く澄んでいるのに
まだこんなにも こんなにも迷う必要は無い無い


僕らFlyer! Flyer!
キミもFlyer! Flyer!
描き出すんだ セカイを
あの日夢見た夢が 最高の上昇気流 何度だって
この心 Believe in it

Wow Wow 飛び立てば 正解!

挫けそうになっていた あの日の僕の表情 多分さboomy boomy
弾けそうになっていいんだ 素直な僕の想いは Bloomy bloomy
ふわりと ふわりと 追い風の中で
ただ ふわりと ふわりと 声を飛ばして

僕らFlyer! Flyer!
キミもFlyer! Flyer!
信じてるんだ セカイを
あの日夢見た夢が 最強の上昇気流 いつだって
この心おもい Believe in it

生み出して 今

Flyer! Flyer!
響けキミのコールよ 3,2,1 Say!
Flyer! Flyer!
曝け出すんだ セカイを
あの日夢見た夢が 最強の上昇気流 いつだって
この想い believe in it

描き出す セカイへ
Wow wow 飛び立てば 正解!
Wow wow 飛び立てば 正解!