Excavation Of Encystation by Cephalotripsy Lyrics

Looking for the English lyrics to “Excavation Of Encystation” by Cephalotripsy from the album Uterovaginal Insertion of Extirpated Anomalies (2007)? More than 82 people have already found the lyrics of the song for karaoke, the notes of the melody to the song, the official video and clip of the song “Excavation Of Encystation”.

Excavation Of Encystation en Lyrics [Cephalotripsy]
Excavation Of Encystation English Lyrics Album Uterovaginal Insertion of Extirpated Anomalies

Quote from the song “Excavation Of Encystation” by Cephalotripsy

Encroaching upon bloated encrustation
Encrusted, the encystation of impurity
An excavation of excruciating torment
Excavating every morsel of malignant pieces
Splitting, cracking, leaking and seeping
The inflated slabs of meat begin secreting
Heaps of rotting defiled corpses amound
Excreting and dripping, I begin ripping
Heads from torsos
Limbs from sockets
And extracting the innards
From abdomens
Hallowed and rotten
All cleansed of impurity
Hollowed of carniverous dwellings
Of disemboweling and dismembering
Consecrated in carneous collections
Carved and dissected
Baptised in blood and dysentery sludge
Of only veins and conceptacle chunks
Withhold the seed of the forsaken spawn
The forsaken spawn
Splitting, cracking, leaking and seeping
Heaps of rotting defiled corpses amound
Excreting and dripping
Cleansed in purity
Through divine butchery
Scabbing of the mutilated
Brings impurity to it's entirety


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Excavation Of Encystation lyrics [Cephalotripsy]

Cephalotripsy: Excavation Of Encystation Lyrics

Perfect Lyrics of the Song “Excavation Of Encystation” Released in 2007

[Favorite Song Lyrics: song “Excavation Of Encystation” with perfect lyrics for karaoke]

Encroaching upon bloated encrustation
Encrusted, the encystation of impurity
An excavation of excruciating torment
Excavating every morsel of malignant pieces
Splitting, cracking, leaking and seeping
The inflated slabs of meat begin secreting
Heaps of rotting defiled corpses amound
Excreting and dripping, I begin ripping
Heads from torsos
Limbs from sockets
And extracting the innards
From abdomens
Hallowed and rotten
All cleansed of impurity
Hollowed of carniverous dwellings
Of disemboweling and dismembering
Consecrated in carneous collections
Carved and dissected
Baptised in blood and dysentery sludge
Of only veins and conceptacle chunks
Withhold the seed of the forsaken spawn
The forsaken spawn
Splitting, cracking, leaking and seeping
Heaps of rotting defiled corpses amound
Excreting and dripping
Cleansed in purity
Through divine butchery
Scabbing of the mutilated
Brings impurity to it's entirety