Stay by Car, the garden (카더가든) Lyrics

Looking for the Korean lyrics to “Stay” by Car, the garden (카더가든) from the album 지금, 헤어지는 중입니다 OST (Now, We Are Breaking Up OST) Pt. 6 (2021)? More than 67 people have already found the lyrics of the song for karaoke, the notes of the melody to the song, the official video and clip of the song “Stay”.

Stay ko Lyrics [Car, the garden (카더가든)]
Stay Korean Lyrics Album 지금, 헤어지는 중입니다 OST (Now, We Are Breaking Up OST) Pt. 6

Quote from the song “Stay” by Car, the garden (카더가든)

안경 너머 보이는 흐릿한 세상은
꼭 나 같아
밤새도록 써 내린 노래는 타다 만
나방 같아
Stay my tiny dreams
내 작은 방 별 하나 꺼지면
Stay my shiny dreams
내 친한 벗 날 찾아오겠지

Can you finish lyrics of the song “Stay” based on this quote?

If you can't then the lyrics will be below ...

Stay lyrics [Car, the garden (카더가든)]

Car, the garden (카더가든): Stay Lyrics

Official Music Video Song “Stay”

Car, the garden (카더가든) - “Stay” (Official Video Clip)

This video clip of Car, the garden (카더가든) will answer the following questions:

  • What song samples Stay?
  • Where is Stay music video clip?
  • Who was in the Stay official music video?
  • Who sang the popular song Stay?
  • What is the meaning of the song Stay?

Credits, Cast & Crew of Song “Stay”

  • Written: ENOB (박솔)
  • Recording Engineer: 이상철 (Lee Sang Cheol) (TONE Studio), 문정환 (Moon Jung Hwan), 김춘추 (Kim Chun Chu)
  • Mastering Engineer: 전훈 (Jeon Hoon)
  • Mixing Engineer: Jo Sang Hyun (조상현)
  • Drums: 전일준 (Jeon Il Jun)
  • Organ: 김춘추 (Kim Chun Chu)
  • Strings: 김춘추 (Kim Chun Chu)
  • Piano: 김춘추 (Kim Chun Chu)
  • Bass: ​chiyoonhae (지윤해)
  • Guitar: 김춘추 (Kim Chun Chu)
  • Chorus: Car, the garden (카더가든)
  • Arranger: 김춘추 (Kim Chun Chu), Car, the garden (카더가든)
  • Composer: ENOB (박솔)
  • Lyricist: ENOB (박솔)
  • Release Date: November 28, 2021

Stay lyrics credits, cast, crew of song

Credits, Cast and Crew of Samples: Stay lyrics

Perfect Lyrics of the Song “Stay” Released in 2021

[Favorite Song Lyrics: song “Stay” with perfect lyrics for karaoke]

[카더가든 "Stay" 가사]

[Verse 1]

안경 너머 보이는 흐릿한 세상은
꼭 나 같아
밤새도록 써 내린 노래는 타다 만
나방 같아
Stay my tiny dreams
내 작은 방 별 하나 꺼지면
Stay my shiny dreams
내 친한 벗 날 찾아오겠지


Oh stay my tiny dreams
내 작은 방 별 하나 꺼지면
Stay my shiny dreams
내 친한 벗 날 찾아오겠지

[Verse 2]

뱉어낸 숨으로 하루를 달래고
허기진 몸을 누이면
어질러 놓은 마음 들킬 것 같아
흘러내린 이불로 긴긴밤을 덮어


Oh stay my tiny dreams
내 작은 방 별 하나 꺼지면
Stay my shiny dreams
내 친한 벗 날 찾아오겠지


Stay my tiny dreams
If I truly loved all the things that I wanted
Stay my shiny dreams
내 그리운 벗 날 찾아오겠지