Let's Scare Kids on Halloween by Cannonball Statman Lyrics
Looking for the English lyrics to “Let's Scare Kids on Halloween” by Cannonball Statman from the album 20 (2013)? More than 56 people have already found the lyrics of the song for karaoke, the notes of the melody to the song, the official video and clip of the song “Let's Scare Kids on Halloween”.
Quote from the song “Let's Scare Kids on Halloween” by Cannonball Statman
She was still alone inside
Living her life on the F train
To her Brooklyn apartment;
She fell in love once a day
And took her pills in the morning
And at night
Can you finish lyrics of the song “Let's Scare Kids on Halloween” based on this quote?
If you can't then the lyrics will be below ...
Credits, Cast & Crew of Song “Let's Scare Kids on Halloween”
- Written: Cannonball Statman
- Release Date:
Additional Information About the Sample “Let's Scare Kids on Halloween”:
- Written: Cannonball Statman
Perfect Lyrics of the Song “Let's Scare Kids on Halloween” Released in 2013
[Favorite Song Lyrics: song “Let's Scare Kids on Halloween” with perfect lyrics for karaoke]
She was still alone inside
Living her life on the F train
To her Brooklyn apartment;
She fell in love once a day
And took her pills in the morning
And at night
She sat alone in her bedroom
In the afternoon light;
The sun shines through to
Visions about you
'Cause she's still alone
Like the boy who was self-conscious about his teeth
Or the boy who was self-conscious about his teeth
Or the people who admit their own flaws
Or the people who will write their own songs
Or the girl who tries to drive her own car
And they all got together for a party
And she was outside, in the back, something with cigars
'Cause she's still alone
Like the boy who was self-conscious about his teeth
Or the boy who was self-conscious about his teeth
Or the people who admit their own flaws
Or the people who will write their own songs
Or the people who will drive their own cars
'Cause she's still alone
Stop feeling sorry for me;
It makes me feel a bit uneasy
Stop feeling sorry for me;
These bureaucrats make me uneasy
Stop feeling sorry for me
Let's scare kids on Halloween;
Let's make them scared of the trees
Let's scare kids on Halloween;
It will be just you and me
Or you could sit outside the bagel store
Where there are always too many policemen anyway;
You can pass by truancy cops
Or heroin junkies
And say "hello,"
But you know, they're all just looking for a fix anyway
And you are, too, but you might get lucky today
'Cause you're not alone
Let's scare kids on Halloween;
Let's make them scared of the trees
Let's scare kids on Halloween;
It will be just you and me
Let's scare kids on Halloween