Start Again by Astoria Lyrics
Looking for the English lyrics to “Start Again” by Astoria from the album Start Again EP (2015)? More than 38 people have already found the lyrics of the song for karaoke, the notes of the melody to the song, the official video and clip of the song “Start Again”.
Quote from the song “Start Again” by Astoria
Can you hear the footsteps?
Can you tell im walking?
Around the streets, and cars
Cold winds dont stop all night again
Is it time for answers
Down and going outward
The look on your face would be nice
To see you smile again
When we're down when we're weak
No I've never seen your face
But I know this love will last
So start again
The song we'll sing forever
The one we'll fall in love to
Don't worry about the words
They will come in time to you
The phone that won't stop ringing
The bass that won't stop pounding
These memories will fade
With the new day ahead of me
Can you scream can you hear?
Dear I'll go and keep you near
Baby I know this love will last
So start again
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Perfect Lyrics of the Song “Start Again” Released in 2015
[Favorite Song Lyrics: song “Start Again” with perfect lyrics for karaoke]
Can you hear the footsteps?
Can you tell im walking?
Around the streets, and cars
Cold winds dont stop all night again
Is it time for answers
Down and going outward
The look on your face would be nice
To see you smile again
When we're down when we're weak
No I've never seen your face
But I know this love will last
So start again
The song we'll sing forever
The one we'll fall in love to
Don't worry about the words
They will come in time to you
The phone that won't stop ringing
The bass that won't stop pounding
These memories will fade
With the new day ahead of me
Can you scream can you hear?
Dear I'll go and keep you near
Baby I know this love will last
So start again