I've Seen You Before by Brexx Lyrics

Looking for the English lyrics to “I've Seen You Before” by Brexx (2021)? More than 45 people have already found the lyrics of the song for karaoke, the notes of the melody to the song, the official video and clip of the song “I've Seen You Before”.

I\'ve Seen You Before en Lyrics [Brexx]
I\'ve Seen You Before English Lyrics

Quote from the song “I've Seen You Before” by Brexx

Im on my deathbed would you let me fall or bring me up again If im crying would you whip my tears and tell me it's okay or just laugh at me because its nothing but a joke to you am i a joke to you Like why'd i put my hope in you The mirror's never see through until the very end Teardrops on every singal pen I signed my life away My heart is not in me Cause i gave it to you When i wake up ill remeber you Living in this dream Flashbacks on movie screens Cause Ive Seen You Before the suns out with teardrops on the floor I'll take your hand won't fail you again i swear yeah(2x)


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I've Seen You Before lyrics [Brexx]

Brexx: I've Seen You Before Lyrics

Credits, Cast & Crew of Song “I've Seen You Before”

  • Produced: ​kaktus
  • Written: Brexx
  • Release Date:

I've Seen You Before lyrics credits, cast, crew of song

Credits, Cast and Crew of Samples: I've Seen You Before lyrics

Additional Information About the Sample “I've Seen You Before”:

  • Produced: ​kaktus
  • rn
  • Written: Brexx

Perfect Lyrics of the Song “I've Seen You Before” Released in 2021

[Favorite Song Lyrics: song “I've Seen You Before” with perfect lyrics for karaoke]

Im on my deathbed would you let me fall or bring me up again If im crying would you whip my tears and tell me it's okay or just laugh at me because its nothing but a joke to you am i a joke to you Like why'd i put my hope in you The mirror's never see through until the very end Teardrops on every singal pen I signed my life away My heart is not in me Cause i gave it to you When i wake up ill remeber you Living in this dream Flashbacks on movie screens Cause Ive Seen You Before the suns out with teardrops on the floor I'll take your hand won't fail you again i swear yeah(2x)