Girl With A Gun by Leslie Clio Lyrics

Looking for the English lyrics to “Girl With A Gun” by Leslie Clio from the album Brave New Woman (2021)? More than 117 people have already found the lyrics of the song for karaoke, the notes of the melody to the song, the official video and clip of the song “Girl With A Gun”.

Girl With A Gun en Lyrics [Leslie Clio]
Girl With A Gun English Lyrics Album Brave New Woman

Quote from the song “Girl With A Gun” by Leslie Clio

Bam-bam, be-di-di
Ba-bam-bam, be-di-di
Ba-bam-bam, be-di-di, bam

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Girl With A Gun lyrics [Leslie Clio]

Leslie Clio: Girl With A Gun Lyrics

Official Music Video Song “Girl With A Gun”

Leslie Clio - “Girl With A Gun” (Official Video Clip)

This video clip of Leslie Clio will answer the following questions:

  • What song samples Girl With A Gun?
  • Where is Girl With A Gun music video clip?
  • Who was in the Girl With A Gun official music video?
  • Who sang the popular song Girl With A Gun?
  • What is the meaning of the song Girl With A Gun?

Credits, Cast & Crew of Song “Girl With A Gun”

  • Produced: Connor Thuotte, Leslie Clio
  • Written: Connor Thuotte, Leslie Clio
  • Lyricist: Leslie Clio
  • Composer: Connor Thuotte, Leslie Clio
  • Release Date: September 3, 2021

Girl With A Gun lyrics credits, cast, crew of song

Credits, Cast and Crew of Samples: Girl With A Gun lyrics

Perfect Lyrics of the Song “Girl With A Gun” Released in 2021

[Favorite Song Lyrics: song “Girl With A Gun” with perfect lyrics for karaoke]


Bam-bam, be-di-di
Ba-bam-bam, be-di-di
Ba-bam-bam, be-di-di, bam

[Verse 1]

I've been lost for a long time
I've been gone for a long time
Stayed sick for a long time
Then I prayed for a long time
Just stood in the wrong line
So sick of the tough times
I had to decide to


Sail on, sail on, got to give it all up
Sail on, sail on
No one, no one's gonna tell you how to move on, move on
Except the girl with a gun


Bam-bam, bam-bam (Bam-bam)
Bam-bam (Ba-ba-bam), bam
Except the girl with a gun
Bam-bam, bam-bam (Bam-bam)
Bam-bam (Ba-ba-bam), bam
Except the girl with a gun


Bam-bam, bam-bam, bam (Sail on, sail on)
Bam-bam, ba-bam-bam (Sail on, sail on)

[Verse 2]

And so I'm doing that no more
You'll do wrong to me no more
It would be bad for you for sure
I'll be good to you no more
Sick and tired of you for sure
Where there's from there's a lot more
And you should probably


Sail on, sail on, got to give it all up
Sail on, sail on
No one, no one's gonna tell you how to move on, move on
Except the girl with a gun


Bam-bam, bam-bam (Bam-bam)
Bam-bam (Ba-ba-bam), bam
Except the girl with a gun
Bam-bam, bam-bam (Bam-bam)
Bam-bam (Ba-ba-bam), bam
Except the girl with a gun


(Die Freiheit ruft, die Freiheit ruft)
(Hab' nur ein Leben, ein Leben nur)
Except the girl with a gun
(Die Freiheit ruft, die Freiheit ruft)
(Hab' nur ein Leben, ein Leben nur)


Bam-bam, be-di-di
Ba-bam-bam, be-di-di
Ba-bam-bam, be-di-di, bam
Except the girl with a gun
(Die Freiheit ruft, die Freiheit ruft)
(Hab' nur ein Leben, ein Leben nur)
Except the girl with a gun
(Die Freiheit ruft, die Freiheit ruft)
(Hab' nur ein Leben, ein Leben nur)
Except the girl with a gun
(Die Freiheit ruft, die Freiheit ruft)
(Hab' nur ein Leben, ein Leben nur)
Except the girl with a gun

Girl With A Gun performed by Leslie Clio alternate

Girl With A Gun Performed by Leslie Clio Alternate

FAQ & Knowledge Song “Girl With A Gun”

  • ℚ. What have the artists said about the song?

    This song means the most to me, really. I wrote it for myself as a reminder to never forget who i am and to always trust myself. A reminder to go my own way and to “stick to my guns”. God knows, the road gets bumpy sometimes. I hope this song and video brings you joy and empowerment to do the same and keep in mind; No one is you and that is your power.
    Girl With A Gun is streamable and downloadable now on all platforms. Much love always, Leslie

    • Leslie Clio via Youtube