Son, Oh Son by Boiled in Lead Lyrics

Looking for the English lyrics to “Son, Oh Son” by Boiled in Lead from the album Orb (1989)? More than 196 people have already found the lyrics of the song for karaoke, the notes of the melody to the song, the official video and clip of the song “Son, Oh Son”.

Son, Oh Son en Lyrics [Boiled in Lead]
Son, Oh Son English Lyrics Album Orb

Quote from the song “Son, Oh Son” by Boiled in Lead

Out in the kitchen, down in the hall
(Ah, my lee and lonely)
Willie's the father of his sister's child
Down by the greenwood side

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Son, Oh Son lyrics [Boiled in Lead]

Boiled in Lead: Son, Oh Son Lyrics

Perfect Lyrics of the Song “Son, Oh Son” Released in 1989

[Favorite Song Lyrics: song “Son, Oh Son” with perfect lyrics for karaoke]

Out in the kitchen, down in the hall
(Ah, my lee and lonely)
Willie's the father of his sister's child
Down by the greenwood side

Took her down to the merry wood
And there he shot his sister dead
Down by the greenwood side

He went back to his mother's home
"Welcome to you my son, my son."
Down by the greenwood side

"Son, oh son, why are you so pale?"
"Been down in the greenwood hunting quail."
Down by the greenwood side

"There's no quail away down there."
"Been down there shooting the white-tailed deer."
Down by the greenwood side

"No pistol kills a deer
Willie, where's your sister, where?"
Down by the greenwood side

"Mother, oh mother, make my bed
For I have shot my sister dead."
Down by the greenwood side
"Son, oh son, where will you go?
For your father will kill you when he comes to know."
Down by the greenwood side

"He'll bury you under yon hill
And if he doesn't kill you, I surely will!"
Down by the greenwood side