Slumber with the Worm by Black Moth Lyrics

Looking for the English lyrics to “Slumber with the Worm” by Black Moth from the album Condemned to Hope (2014)? More than 55 people have already found the lyrics of the song for karaoke, the notes of the melody to the song, the official video and clip of the song “Slumber with the Worm”.

Slumber with the Worm en Lyrics [Black Moth]
Slumber with the Worm English Lyrics Album Condemned to Hope

Quote from the song “Slumber with the Worm” by Black Moth

I don't believe in time, just a psychic, pendulous pulsation
Measured by the beat of your heart
You cried when I said, "when I die...
My life will not flash before my eyes, but yours!"

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Slumber with the Worm lyrics [Black Moth]

Black Moth: Slumber with the Worm Lyrics

Perfect Lyrics of the Song “Slumber with the Worm” Released in 2014

[Favorite Song Lyrics: song “Slumber with the Worm” with perfect lyrics for karaoke]

I don't believe in time, just a psychic, pendulous pulsation
Measured by the beat of your heart
You cried when I said, "when I die...
My life will not flash before my eyes, but yours!"

But then I left you, for sad and solemn, slumbers with the worm

Ghost of my ribcage states to rise
I feel your coffin slide on top of mine
Oh little darling, it hasn't been long
Slip beneath my crumbling shroud of love

And then you joined me for sweet, eternal slumbers with the worm

Discarnate, bloodless
No tendon quiver and no nerves are thrilled
Yet some strange ecstasy floods my shell

Poor humankind! Spare them a knowing smile, my love
For they don't know they'll only rise
When something else dies