Pleasure and Pain by Bitter End Lyrics
Looking for the English lyrics to “Pleasure and Pain” by Bitter End from the album Illusions of Dominance (2015)? More than 61 people have already found the lyrics of the song for karaoke, the notes of the melody to the song, the official video and clip of the song “Pleasure and Pain”.
Quote from the song “Pleasure and Pain” by Bitter End
Within the span of existences
Trials ebb and flow
What's written in stone will weather with no one to know
Step back in the shadows
Watch it all unfold
But in moment of pain can't escape the stranglehold
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Credits, Cast & Crew of Song “Pleasure and Pain”
- Written: Bitter End
- Release Date: June 30, 2015
Perfect Lyrics of the Song “Pleasure and Pain” Released in 2015
[Favorite Song Lyrics: song “Pleasure and Pain” with perfect lyrics for karaoke]
Within the span of existences
Trials ebb and flow
What's written in stone will weather with no one to know
Step back in the shadows
Watch it all unfold
But in moment of pain can't escape the stranglehold
Obsession with loss
Fixation on permanance
Forget it's a trick, a game of the mind
Bolted in ignorance
Consumed with desolation
Life will pass right before your eyes
Running in circles
Nothing remains
Endless rotations of pleasure and pain
Stuck in a drought but never praying for rain
Trap yourself in agony or try to restrain
Obsession with loss
Fixation on pеrmanance
Forget it's a trick, a game of thе mind
Bolted in ignorance
Consumed with desolation
Life will flash right before your eyes
You forget it's a trick, a game of the mind
Life will flash right before your eyes
Step back in the shadows
Watch it all unfold
But in moment of pain can't escape the stranglehold
Running in circles
Nothing remains
Trap yourself in agony or try to restrain
Forget it's a trick, a game of the mind