Dragon Town by Big Audio Dynamite Lyrics

Looking for the English lyrics to “Dragon Town” by Big Audio Dynamite from the album Megatop Phoenix (1989)? More than 23 people have already found the lyrics of the song for karaoke, the notes of the melody to the song, the official video and clip of the song “Dragon Town”.

Dragon Town en Lyrics [Big Audio Dynamite]
Dragon Town English Lyrics Album Megatop Phoenix

Quote from the song “Dragon Town” by Big Audio Dynamite

"Slinky Chinese
Slinky very nice"


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Dragon Town lyrics [Big Audio Dynamite]

Big Audio Dynamite: Dragon Town Lyrics

Credits, Cast & Crew of Song “Dragon Town”

  • Dragon Town Samples: Mr. Wu's a Window Cleaner Now by George Formby
  • Release Date:

Dragon Town lyrics credits, cast, crew of song

Credits, Cast and Crew of Samples: Dragon Town lyrics

Additional Information About the Sample “Dragon Town”:

  • Dragon Town Samples: Mr. Wu's a Window Cleaner Now by George Formby

Perfect Lyrics of the Song “Dragon Town” Released in 1989

[Favorite Song Lyrics: song “Dragon Town” with perfect lyrics for karaoke]

"Slinky Chinese
Slinky very nice"

"Mister Wu no longer has a laundry
Sad to say the business was a flop"

Chinatown Friday night
The weekend is all right
Dragon dance the yellow streets
Gambling dens and sour sweet

Neon signs inside of my head
Better thought and never said
As long as I don't get too close
And I don't offend my hosts

No way out on Gerrard Street
Dragon's heart begins to beat
If this night could last all day
Order you and take away

At this corner we must part
Say goodnight where Soho starts
At this corner we must part
Say goodnight where Soho starts
In the Lido people stare
Pretending I don't care
Thrown a menu I can't read
"What number do you need?"

Fortunes told and fire crack
Letters bold you must get back
I really have no appetite
Dragon town on a Friday night

No way out on Gerrard Street
Dragon's heart begins to beat
If this night could last all day
Order you and take away

"Chinatown, my Chinatown"
"Chinatown, my Chinatown"

If this night could last all day
Order you and take away

No way out on Gerrard Street
Dragon's heart begins to beat
If this night could last all day
Order you and take away
"Chinatown, my Chinatown"

If this night could last all day
Order you and take away

No way out on Gerrard Street
Dragon's heart begins to beat
If this night could last all day
Order you and take away