Episode by Big Ant Dog b.a.d Lyrics

Looking for the English lyrics to “Episode” by Big Ant Dog b.a.d (2021)? More than 72 people have already found the lyrics of the song for karaoke, the notes of the melody to the song, the official video and clip of the song “Episode”.

Episode en Lyrics [Big Ant Dog b.a.d]
Episode English Lyrics

Quote from the song “Episode” by Big Ant Dog b.a.d

That was an episode
Yeah I said it, I know it was an episode
Please forgive me, I was in a temper
Please forgive me, I was in a temper


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Episode lyrics [Big Ant Dog b.a.d]

Big Ant Dog b.a.d: Episode Lyrics

Credits, Cast & Crew of Song “Episode”

  • Produced: Big Ant Dog b.a.d
  • Written: Big Ant Dog b.a.d
  • Piano: Big Ant Dog b.a.d
  • Release Date: April 2021

Episode lyrics credits, cast, crew of song

Credits, Cast and Crew of Samples: Episode lyrics

Perfect Lyrics of the Song “Episode” Released in 2021

[Favorite Song Lyrics: song “Episode” with perfect lyrics for karaoke]


That was an episode
Yeah I said it, I know it was an episode
Please forgive me, I was in a temper
Please forgive me, I was in a temper


Episode, I just blown up in anger
Known of me getting into trouble
Because of my anger, I despise these bitches
Like I used to rise for these bitches
I'm giving know like whys and shit
You can try but you tries is lies
That shit expires the shit out of it
That shit would be an exposed wire
But I wouldn't even retire
But every shot I did on this I apologize
Monetize the apology like it was an prodigy
I have faithfulness, I got it in me
I have gratefulness too, but y'all know it true
Fatefulness in me too, but death please don't occur, I love you people
But that shit was an episode
I apologize
Yeah I had trouble sleeping, treating myself badly
Bleeping and beeping noises for no reason pisses me off
Heating controversial shit inside of my soul


That was an episode
Yeah I said it, I know it was an episode
Please forgive me, I was in a temper
Please forgive me, I was in a temper


Oh yeah, and I forgive you all
I was in a shit mood
I will apologize


That was an episode
Yeah I said it, I know it was an episode
Please forgive me, I was in a temper
Please forgive me, I was in a temper


That was an episode
Yeah I said it, I know it was an episode
Please forgive me, I was in a temper
Please forgive me, I was in a temper