Old Ghosts by Avians Alight Lyrics

Looking for the English lyrics to “Old Ghosts” by Avians Alight from the album Old / New / All for You (2020)? More than 101 people have already found the lyrics of the song for karaoke, the notes of the melody to the song, the official video and clip of the song “Old Ghosts”.

Old Ghosts en Lyrics [Avians Alight]
Old Ghosts English Lyrics Album Old / New / All for You

Quote from the song “Old Ghosts” by Avians Alight

Woke up
Sayin' my name
In the dead of night


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Old Ghosts lyrics [Avians Alight]

Avians Alight: Old Ghosts Lyrics

Credits, Cast & Crew of Song “Old Ghosts”

  • Written: Avians Alight
  • Release Date:

Old Ghosts lyrics credits, cast, crew of song

Credits, Cast and Crew of Samples: Old Ghosts lyrics

Additional Information About the Sample “Old Ghosts”:

  • Written: Avians Alight

Perfect Lyrics of the Song “Old Ghosts” Released in 2020

[Favorite Song Lyrics: song “Old Ghosts” with perfect lyrics for karaoke]

[Verse 1]

Woke up
Sayin' my name
In the dead of night

Callin' out
"Where's that woman
With the eagle's eye?"

Up above
I survey the land
From evergreens and rivers
To the desert sands

When I hear a voice
From outside
Of this world of men
I feel like I should listen

[Verse 2]

Old ghost
Wasn't that you
I laid to rest?

Now I see
You've been followin' me
So, we're not done yet
And you found me
Because I led you here
It's my mistake
For thinkin' I was in the clеar

But the Moon is high
And the hour draws near
For us to bе parted


Oh-oh oh-oh

Oh-oh oh-oh

Oh-oh oh-oh

[Verse 3]

Old ghost
I wanna help you
Turn to life
Quiet, still
An unbending will
They were mine that night

The Sun went down
The last shadow was seen
Wearin' a crown
Of feathers came a spirit queen

I was up on the hill
And she sang to me
Without makin' a sound


Oh-oh oh-oh

Oh-oh oh-oh

Oh-oh oh-oh