MECH MOUHEM - كان ماجاتش رتحنا by AVEYRO AVE Lyrics
Looking for the Danish lyrics to “MECH MOUHEM - كان ماجاتش رتحنا” by AVEYRO AVE from the album Infection 5 Revelation (2020)? More than 141 people have already found the lyrics of the song for karaoke, the notes of the melody to the song, the official video and clip of the song “MECH MOUHEM - كان ماجاتش رتحنا”.
Quote from the song “MECH MOUHEM - كان ماجاتش رتحنا” by AVEYRO AVE
Ya Aveyro
Ya Aveyro Spoy Kepler
B.A.T Shit
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Credits, Cast & Crew of Song “MECH MOUHEM - كان ماجاتش رتحنا”
- Featuring: DMMC
- Release Date: December 31, 2020
Perfect Lyrics of the Song “MECH MOUHEM - كان ماجاتش رتحنا” Released in 2020
[Favorite Song Lyrics: song “MECH MOUHEM - كان ماجاتش رتحنا” with perfect lyrics for karaoke]
Ya Aveyro
Ya Aveyro Spoy Kepler
B.A.T Shit
Mech Mouhem ken 7aja no9set , Mech Mouhem warda trabbet fi ma7bes nebtet , Mech Mouhem ethi9a tfet tinfet w tfe9det
Wel 7outa tetlabbed tesri w ki rat essonnara trebthet , Mech Mouhem chneya no9sed
Ama mo 9olna le mahouch mouhem
Byodh wala smorr Mech Mouhem
Tetkacher anyeb echarr Emmm
Ta7 le9dar , tabbes lemm
Arneb tkorr , 7ad maslem
Tanfa3 wala tdhor Mech Mouhem , Mech Mouhem , Mech Mouhem , ama mo 9olna le mahouch mouhem
Thraya blech ambeyb , w9ida min ghir a3raf , banya blech yejour , bort blech babour , hdetli zabbourha 9atli trapek yesr zabbour
Jit nfadlk yekhi nal9a rou7i mach'hour , tlevz nboul 3lihom w menich ma7sour , menich re9d just bin noumin
Just n7eb pussy medhkhm 3la ta9in , te7chem ki tji bch netchewfou bitch ija toul o to netjewzou etta9dim
Chneya rayek fi edheka behi lin khyeb foukehiyn w mergin , w chneya rayek fi edhoukom , ki taret el barka 9a3dou berkin
Ezzab el 3in tebkem , ti t7ebbou ken chkoun isebkom , chena3 min ghir felsa cha3b m9ayed falsa 9atel ghorza dawla idiha mech ken fi mketebkom
Ne3jeb li ye3jez bch yousef fech nasna3 mech mochkel ken mech bch ne3jebkom , ki tjikom thezzou sa9ikom ki bhettou hazzitou 7wejebkom wejebkom nsitouh
Hazzitou klemet w mafla7touch , ta7kiw fi khatikom matta7nouch ama mayhemnech barra ma3linech ma3ynech
Mezlna hné mamallinech , trap min lowel mo mawallinech , el watan elli t3ichou fih maywelmnech , maywetinech , mayemchich m3ana mayse3dnech
Bou blech t7eb tekhou ama 9albk maya3tikch , zyedt el khir 7aja lezma medem elli 3andk baz mayzazzikch
Ken jetk 7aja mkch 9arilha 7seb Mech Mouhem , 7atta la3dheb Mech Mouhem , saf7a jdida fi kteb
Sla3 mnayka tnik fel 7ala amma kifech Mech Mouhem
7wem f9ira w 3aychine feha krozz hetha el mouhem
Mech Mouhem kifech t3ada nhar el mouhem kifech wfé
El we7ed fel wa7la tenfé
Denya msa77ba ka7la essmé
O8zer fi sa7nek chihemek fih cheklé
Y3allem fih y3oum ye5i tayychou fel mé
Allah yar7mek 3omar allah 8aleb jit lehné
Hathika Tounes maw 3arfinha 7abs, jabbena feddoura hay lehné
Ohh Yeah
L9it barcha zatla ki 93adt nlawej 3al hné
Mansallemch manthaya3ch fourass w man9oulech te7ché
Mathammech ma 2ahamm men jounta ba3d nika ba3d la3ché
Haw mché haw jé jass 9ass l'bnin kmé win el mé
Tnik paw
Temchi fterech
Netsahwek mezzelt nal3eeb wena bkaffi ferech
Shout out for all my niggaz byodh w k7alech
Mouch mochkol zid al3eb bel krarez el mouhem khouya mata7ech
Mouch mochkel el mouhem rawa7na kemlin
La tochker la tdhem el mouhem 7/7 henin
Fou9 s7ab essmé 9bouratna benin
Beynin mnin t7eb win t7eb n5othou beytin
Public mgatta3 3rougou w a7na blech fless ama mharrbin
Trankil w barra 3ini raffet aveyro t3aytli s3ib ken bch netlaffet team 3ayla m3ab3dha mehech bch tetchatet ey tawa saye kol se9 chaddet okhtha
United BAT mafama 7add la 9oddemha la fi jnabha
United BAT FiveSide chwaya sle7 tow nikou jabha
Le3bti el moufadhla nekmi la3ba w niktb texte , chaghab w moucheks , nika blech durex , stika métaphoret
Mech m7ather darsi m7ather bakou war9a kalet
Machekel bel bnin tenset
Anboubet rasi che3let sounét kmit tfet
Jit min 7aythou le ya3lamoun , na3tik rou7 ezzebda wenti nik rou7k fil ma3joun , piste zina waves vst autotune
Yeah bitch darda3 el kamyouna , trasi khalli win trasi kifi w chikhet rassi edheka fech marhouna
Hmajiyya fawtha mnayka w y7ebbou ynathmouna
Ma3andnech stratégie
3andna zatla fi rousna
Neknelha ommha ye5i b3inehom klouna
Koll 7aja feha el behi mte7a
El behi fel Trap a7na
Be3thinha tnayek mar7be ken jet w ken majetch rte7na