Cociokaramel by ORDINARY O$CAR Lyrics

Looking for the Danish lyrics to “Cociokaramel” by ORDINARY O$CAR from the album spilkonsol (2018)? More than 177 people have already found the lyrics of the song for karaoke, the notes of the melody to the song, the official video and clip of the song “Cociokaramel”.

Cociokaramel da Lyrics [ORDINARY O$CAR]
Cociokaramel Danish Lyrics Album spilkonsol

Quote from the song “Cociokaramel” by ORDINARY O$CAR

Cocio Karamel (hvad?)
Cocio Karamel (ok)
Cocio Karamel (ouh)
Cocio Karamel (oha)
Cocio Karamel (brr)
Cocio Karamel (slurp)
Cocio Karamel (mmmmm)
Cocio Karamel (nam nam)

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Cociokaramel lyrics [ORDINARY O$CAR]

ORDINARY O$CAR: Cociokaramel Lyrics

Credits, Cast & Crew of Song “Cociokaramel”

  • Produced: DJ OLLER
  • Written: ORDINARY O$CAR
  • Recorded At: OSCAR's traphus
  • Release Date: December 2018

Cociokaramel lyrics credits, cast, crew of song

Credits, Cast and Crew of Samples: Cociokaramel lyrics

Perfect Lyrics of the Song “Cociokaramel” Released in 2018

[Favorite Song Lyrics: song “Cociokaramel” with perfect lyrics for karaoke]

Cocio Karamel (hvad?)
Cocio Karamel (ok)
Cocio Karamel (ouh)
Cocio Karamel (oha)
Cocio Karamel (brr)
Cocio Karamel (slurp)
Cocio Karamel (mmmmm)
Cocio Karamel (nam nam)

(1. Vers):
Jeg drikker cocio
Men det skal være karamel
Har så mange penge
At jeg slet ikke kan tæl'
Har så mange homies
Og en af dem hedder keld
Jeg sover ikke i et hus
Jeg sover på hotel!!!