Paranoia by Asyndeton Lyrics
Looking for the English lyrics to “Paranoia” by Asyndeton from the album The Other Side Of My Mind (2016)? More than 104 people have already found the lyrics of the song for karaoke, the notes of the melody to the song, the official video and clip of the song “Paranoia”.
Quote from the song “Paranoia” by Asyndeton
He trembled both eyes fading
Held both his arms he’s failing
His paranoia calling home
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Credits, Cast & Crew of Song “Paranoia”
- Produced: Harmeet Bhatia, Jordie Guzman
- Mastered: Steve Corrao
- Recorded At: Studio B Hong Kong
- Release Date: August 15, 2016
Perfect Lyrics of the Song “Paranoia” Released in 2016
[Favorite Song Lyrics: song “Paranoia” with perfect lyrics for karaoke]
[Verse 1: Benjamin Man]
He trembled both eyes fading
Held both his arms he’s failing
His paranoia calling home
He tried to hide his hiding
Locking his heart he’s trying
His paranoia calling home
[Chorus: Benjamin Man]
And oh—
And oh—, he tried to hide
[Verse 2: Benjamin Man]
Just when they’re open minded
They all came forth to find it
His little secret paradise
He tried to hide his hiding
Bloodshed and tears painted red
His paranoia calling home
[Chorus: Benjamin Man]
And oh—
And oh—, he tried to hide
[Verse 3: Benjamin Man]
He trembled both eyes faded
Held both his arms he’s failed
His paranoia called him home
He tried to hide his hiding
Bloodshed and tears painted red
His paranoia called him home
[Chorus: Benjamin Man]
And oh—
And oh—, he tried to hide