Where's My Bytches by Arabian Prince Lyrics

Looking for the English lyrics to “Where's My Bytches” by Arabian Prince from the album Where's My Bytches (1993)? More than 48 people have already found the lyrics of the song for karaoke, the notes of the melody to the song, the official video and clip of the song “Where's My Bytches”.

Where\'s My Bytches en Lyrics [Arabian Prince]
Where\'s My Bytches English Lyrics Album Where\'s My Bytches

Quote from the song “Where's My Bytches” by Arabian Prince

Somebody stole our bitches!


Can you finish lyrics of the song “Where's My Bytches” based on this quote?

If you can't then the lyrics will be below ...

Where's My Bytches lyrics [Arabian Prince]

Arabian Prince: Where's My Bytches Lyrics

Official Music Video Song “Where's My Bytches”

Arabian Prince - “Where's My Bytches” (Official Video Clip)

This video clip of Arabian Prince will answer the following questions:

  • What song samples Where's My Bytches?
  • Where is Where's My Bytches music video clip?
  • Who was in the Where's My Bytches official music video?
  • Who sang the popular song Where's My Bytches?
  • What is the meaning of the song Where's My Bytches?

Credits, Cast & Crew of Song “Where's My Bytches”

  • Produced: Arabian Prince
  • Written: Arabian Prince
  • Recorded At: Audio Achivements
  • Guitar: Mike “Crazy Neck” Sims
  • Keyboards, Drums: Arabian Prince
  • Executive Producer: Arabian Prince
  • Recorded: Donovan “Tha Dirtbiker” Sound, Steve Applebaum
  • Pre-Production: Underworld Entertainment Complex, Burbank, CA
  • Mastered: Bernie Grundman
  • Mastered at: Bernie Grundman Mastering
  • Record Label: Da Bozak
  • Recorded At: Audio Achievements, Torrance, CA, Olive Street Digital Post, Burbank, CA
  • Release Date: 1993

Where's My Bytches lyrics credits, cast, crew of song

Credits, Cast and Crew of Samples: Where's My Bytches lyrics

Perfect Lyrics of the Song “Where's My Bytches” Released in 1993

[Favorite Song Lyrics: song “Where's My Bytches” with perfect lyrics for karaoke]

Somebody stole our bitches!

If someone busted to your crib, and left off with your bitch, what would you do?

"A 49 year old unidentified man went berserk last night, opened fire with a 12-gauge shot gun. Was found in downtown Crenshaw..."

Well, you've been wrong, and you have to search all of south-central Los Angeles. You don't stop to ask questions


– I know you've seen my bitch, motherfucker, 'cause you always standin' on this corner!
– I seen your bitch. Nigga's gotta do, what nigga's gotta do!
– Yeah right, motherfucker.

[choking sounds]

– Yo, hey baby, how you doin'? You've seen Dee Dee and Luanda?
– Yo, I ain't seen Dee Dee and Luanda, but I got yo bitch!
– It ain't my bitch!

Three men, mad as hell – because somebody stole thеir bitches!
Arabian Prince and the Undеrworld, in... "Where's My Bytches"

– Im'ma kick on yo ass, until you tell me where my bitches are!

"Where's My Bytches". The search starts Friday at the theater right near you
Special sneak preview at the Compton North Swapping
Rated R, no one under 17 will be admitted without a parent or guardian
"Have you seen my bytches?"