Riot In The City by Antidote Lyrics

Looking for the English lyrics to “Riot In The City” by Antidote from the album Back in Year Zero (2003)? More than 155 people have already found the lyrics of the song for karaoke, the notes of the melody to the song, the official video and clip of the song “Riot In The City”.

Riot In The City en Lyrics [Antidote]
Riot In The City English Lyrics Album Back in Year Zero

Quote from the song “Riot In The City” by Antidote

I'm clicking the remote
But there's nothing on tv
I wanna have some action
So I go out on the streets
People stare at me
They give me angry eyes
I'm the only punk in town
And again i realize
It's quiet in the city
It's quiet in my town
See the people laughing
Cause I'm the only one around
What happened to punk?
People think i am a clown
If there were just a few more punx
They wouldn't stare and frown
I spray "punk" on a wall
They won't get me on my knees
I'll show that punk is in this town
A shame the only punk is me....
Today i saw some new punx
How happy can i be
A new generation
The start of a new scene?
We've got to go together
I'm sure we'll get along
Now i'm sure that i was right
Punk will never end
Now there is a riot
A riot in the city
Now there is a riot
A riot in my town

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Riot In The City lyrics [Antidote]

Antidote: Riot In The City Lyrics

Perfect Lyrics of the Song “Riot In The City” Released in 2003

[Favorite Song Lyrics: song “Riot In The City” with perfect lyrics for karaoke]

I'm clicking the remote
But there's nothing on tv
I wanna have some action
So I go out on the streets
People stare at me
They give me angry eyes
I'm the only punk in town
And again i realize
It's quiet in the city
It's quiet in my town
See the people laughing
Cause I'm the only one around
What happened to punk?
People think i am a clown
If there were just a few more punx
They wouldn't stare and frown
I spray "punk" on a wall
They won't get me on my knees
I'll show that punk is in this town
A shame the only punk is me....
Today i saw some new punx
How happy can i be
A new generation
The start of a new scene?
We've got to go together
I'm sure we'll get along
Now i'm sure that i was right
Punk will never end
Now there is a riot
A riot in the city
Now there is a riot
A riot in my town